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[Technology 1835] NTEN/TechSoup Global Webinar Series: Social Media and Storytelling

Nell Eckersley

NellE at
Sun Dec 21 21:29:51 EST 2008

Hi All,
I thought some of you might be interested in this. Has anyone worked with this group before?


Nell Eckersley

ALIES/ASISTS Program Operations Coordinator,

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List

tel: 212.803.3316

fax: 212.785.3685

nelle at <>

NTEN/TechSoup Global Webinar Series: Social Media and Storytelling

Cost: FREE!
Start: 01/21/2009 - 11:00am
End: 02/18/2009 - 12:30pm
Timezone: US/Pacific

Stories that wrap your audience in and keep them listening will do wonders for your work. What is a story if it isn't heard? The magic of the social web is making it easier and easier to get our stories out to more than our core audiences and allowing us to drawn in potential new listeners like never before. Perhaps, you have heard a podcast or overheard someone talking about tagging or social bookmarking, but do you know how to make these tools work for telling your story?

Join TechSoup Global and NTEN for this 5-part webinar series, Social Media and Storytelling, where you will start learning the building blocks of the social web, then learn specifics on podcasting, video creation, and creating social media buzz, and finishing with ROI to determine what your strategy is worth.

Sessions include (Space is limited, Register Early! Sign up separately for each session.):

Part 1: Building Blocks (1/21/2009, 11am PT)

Presented by: Amy Sample Ward

Is sharing really caring? Well, it can at least boost your internal staff knowledge and your positioning as a resource in the community!

In this webinar we'll discuss the fundamentals of sharing information with social media tools. You don't have to know how to do this already to take part-this is for those just starting out! We'll cover social bookmarking, tagging, RSS and more, plus the tools you can start using for free to do it all.

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Part 2: Podcasting (1/28/2009, 11am PT)

Presented by: Corey Pudhorodsky

Though in person communication is often considered most effective storytelling method, podcasting is a great alternative to broadcast your message, educate constituents, or sharing your story in a compelling medium. In this session you will learn how simple podcasting your content can actually be. You will also get a better understanding of the investments required to maintain a compelling podcasting. Though this session will focus on audio podcasting, many of the tips and resources will also apply to those interested in video podcast as well.

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Part 3: Video Creation (2/4/2009, 11am PT)

Presented by: Jay Dedman & Ryanne Hodson

We will help you understand the best ways to integrate video storytelling into your already busy schedule running a non-profit.

With five years experience of online video experience, we will show you how to effectively use the most affordable video equipment to document your projects for the web. We'll share our tried-and-true technical workflow, but more importantly, our simple storytelling strategies that have worked for past projects. We can also help you understand when to do a video project yourself and when to hire a pro.

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Part 4: Creating Social Buzz (2/11/2009, 11am PT)

Presented by: Danielle Brigida

We've all been there. The breaking news, the big campaign, the recently released video--and that daunting online goal..."Make it go viral!"

As nonprofits, we have important news to share, and we want fast and cheap ways to build buzz and awareness. In this webinar, learn strategies for taking these messages to the next level and promoting and cross promoting content using social media.

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Social Media ROI (2/18/2009, 11am PT)

Presented by: Beth Kanter

This Webinar will show how you can effectively use ROI processes, techniques, and formulas to help your organization make better social media strategy decisions and demonstrate impact. We'll take a look at what you can and cannot quantify as well as look at the most appropriate metrics for a social media strategy. We'll also cover the importance of intangible benefits for ongoing improvement of your strategy implementation, particularly as it relates to user-generated content, and engagement with social media tools such as blogs, podcasts, photo sharing, and video. We'll also cover where to incorporate qualitative information and introduce you to small tool set of analytics, mostly free, that can help you capture, analyze, and interpret data. You will learn how to communicate the value of social media to other people in your organization and pave the way for successful strategy execution.

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