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[Technology 1580] Re: Online Math Games

Susan Jones

SUJones at
Thu Mar 20 16:03:57 EDT 2008

Looks interesting! I'll check out their demo... but in my experience the overwhelming majority of this stuff is 'way light on the"instruction" side and heavy on the "practice math" side.

We use Modumath here and have lots of success with returning students who haven't seen a math book in years, or never got it in the first place, because there's lots of instruction packaged into it.

I tried to check it out, but couldn't get past the prerequisite video game skills; Never got to any math games or tutorials at all, so I couldn't tell if there was any instruction.

I had soemwhat better luck with a times tables game (but I also got frustrated with the amount of time I was supposed just move this thing around on the screen and try to figure out what the heck they wanted ;) )

Susan Jones
Academic Development Specialist
Academic Development Center
Parkland College
Champaign, IL 61821
sujones at

>>> "Marian Thacher" <mthacher at> 3/20/2008 11:36 AM >>>

Online single or multiplayer games that teach algebra and pre-algebra.
Pricey, but looks fun, and looks like they're getting some traction. Has
anyone looked at or used these? Students can play at school or from home
if you purchase a site license for 15 (over $1K).

The games are Evolver and Dimenxian.


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