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Friday, August 14, 2009
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Goals and Duties


  • Choose and plan a service project for the summer.
  • Set measurable group and personal goals for your United We Serve project.
  • Identify 5 attendees to be team leaders.
  • Plan the next meeting of the leadership team and identify next steps for each leader.
  • Obtain commitments from all attendees to volunteer on a regular basis from June 22- September 11.

Host Duties


  • To have 20 people attend, you will need to invite 50. Brainstorm a list of 50 people to invite. Include your friends, family, members of your faith group, colleagues, book club attendees, etc.
  • Make calls to the 50 people on your list to invite them to your house meeting. Remember that phone calls are much more effective than a mass email.
  • Post your house meeting on Serve.gov and invite local residents interested in volunteering to attend. 
  • Browse Serve.gov to see what needs in your community aren’t being met and which organizations you might be able to partner with. Take some preliminary steps to identify local partners already working in the community.
  • Prepare necessary materials.


  • Be prepared to give a short explanation of why you became involved/what inspired you to serve.
  • Consider how you most want to serve your community. President Obama has identified four target areas for summer service: health, education, community renewal, and energy and environment. What does your community most need? 


  • Thank attendees and get their pledge to serve this summer.
  • Organize a follow-up volunteer leadership meeting with your new team to take next steps.