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Posters, Lithos, Postcards, Bookmarks

On this page, we offer .pdf files of a number of two-sided posters and lithographs, as well as a postcard collection and some bookmarks. For the poster graphic front sides, we include full-dimension files for viewing on your display, as well as easily-printable 8-1/2x11 files (which, however, may be quite hard to read). The poster back-side materials are all printable and readable as individual 8-1/2x11 pages.

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Earth and Weather

Thumbnail of CloudSat poster.

CloudSat Poster. Poster front illustrates and describes types of high-, low-, and mid-altitude clouds. Poster back has article and activity related to Earth's water cycle, as well as a cloud identification quiz and a water cycle crossword puzzle.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.
Thumbnail of GOES/POES Cloud poster.

GOES/POES Cloud Poster. Poster front illustrates and describes types of high-, low-, and mid-altitude clouds. Poster back explains Earth's water cycle and the role of clouds in maintaining it and providing fresh (non-salty) water to land plants and animals. A crossword puzzle and cloud identification quiz reinforce the concepts.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.
Thumbnail of GOES/POES poster.

GOES/POES Poster. Poster front illustrates both the Geostationary Operational Environment Satellites (GOES) and the Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES), and their functions and accomplishments. Back material includes two articles and activities on many of the different parameters meteorologists measure and terms they define in order to describe and predict the weather.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Thumbnail of GOES/POES weather game poster.

GOES/POES Wild World of Weather Adventure Game. Download question cards here. A self-contained board game about all kinds of weather and the places it occurs. Besides the game instructions, includes two articles and activities on many of the different parameters meteorologists measure and terms they define in order to describe and predict the weather.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.
Thumbnail of Jason Ocean Adventure game poster.

Voyage on the High Seas: A Jason 1 Ocean Adventure. A self-contained board game about the oceans. Download game cards, playing pieces and spinner here. Also included on the poster back are articles on mapping the oceans using altimetry, how winds drive ocean currents (also an activity), an explanation of El Niño, and an ocean-related crossword puzzle.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Small image of ozone poster.

Ozone: The Good and the Bad. Front of poster is a cartoon profile of the atmosphere, showing the “good and bad” roles of ozone in the stratosphere, high troposphere, mid-troposphere, and surface. On the back is a classroom activity article, beginning with an explanation of ozone’s roles, and an introduction to spectroscopy. Also includes detailed instructions for building a classroom spectroscope using a CD or a DVD.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2 x 11 printable .pdf of front.

Stars and Galaxies

Image of GALEX M83 poster front GALEX poster of the Pinwheel Galaxy, M83, in ultraviolet. This image was made with a 3 hour 42 minute exposure time, one of the longest ever made in UV. On the back of the poster is an activity to make your own pinhole camera and experiment with exposure times.

Full-dimension .pdf of front and back (as a six-panel page).

Image of long poster with blue star trailing a tail. GALEX Poster of "Shooting Star" Mira. Wide-format poster (rotated to vertical here) showing the star Mira in ultraviolet, as seen by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. Although studied for centures, this 13-light-year-long tail had never before been seen. Four panels on back tell about Mira, the image, and GALEX.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

Thumbnail of GALEX poster.

GALEX M31 Poster. Poster front is an ultraviolet view of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), captured by the GALEX space telescope. Articles on the back of the poster explain how telescopes see back in time and why the night sky is black, in spite of 200 billion suns shining right here in the Milky Way galaxy. Activities include a GALEX crossword and wordfind based on the articles, as well as a creative writing activity.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Thumbnail of GALEX poster.

GALEX Helix Nebula Poster. Poster front is an ultraviolet view of the Helix Nebula, captured by the GALEX space telescope. The main article on the back of the poster explains star evolution in very simple terms (including the fate of our own Sun), and how a planetary nebula is formed. An additional article explains how we look far back in time as they look at very distant galaxies. A simple activity carries out the theme of judging the age of something by its appearance.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Small image of Eta Carinae poster.

Spitzer poster: Eta Carinae star forming region. Beautiful glowing pillars of dense gas and dust in this Spitzer infrared image clearly reveal areas where new stars are forming. Articles on back of poster explain about the image, about infrared light, and infrared astronomy. It also includes a classroom version of Sir Frederick Herschel's 1800 experiment in which he discovers invisible infrared light.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Small image of Spitzer poster front.

Spitzer poster: Orion Nebula. Poster front is a composite infrared and visible light view of the beautiful nebula in Orion's sword. Articles on the back of the poster explain what was found in the image, introduces the electromagnetic spectrum and infrared light, and discusses the importance of infrared astronomy and putting telescopes in space above Earth's obscuring atmosphere.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Small thumbnail image of Spitzer poster.

Spitzer Poster: Multiwavelength Andromeda Galaxy. Three images of the beautiful spiral Andromeda Galaxy demonstrate the discoveries scientists are making by observing galaxies in many different wavelengths of light. The top image is in visible light. The middle image is a composite of wavelengths that are emitted by stars and active star-forming regions. The bottom image is a composite of wavelengths that highlight the gas and dust in the galaxy. Herschel's discovery of infrared light and Ritter's discovery of ultraviolet light are both described as experiments to be done in the classroom.

Full-dimension .pdf of front.

8-1/2x11 printable .pdf of front.

Small image of Spitzer M81 litho. Spitzer litho: Galaxy M81
Small image of galaxy NGC300 litho Spitzer litho: Galaxy NGC300
Small image of NGC1729 litho Spitzer litho: Galaxy NGC7129
Small image of the Trifid Nebula Spitzer litho: Trifid Nebula
Small image of Helix Nebula litho Galaxy Evolution Explorer litho: Helix Nebula
Small image of M81 litho Galaxy Evolution Explorer litho: M81 Galaxy
Small image of NGC0362 Globular Cluster litho Galaxy Evolution Explorer litho: NGC0362 Globular Cluster
Small image of M31 Andromeda Galaxy litho Galaxy Evolution Explorer litho: M31 (Andromeda) Galaxy
Small image of postcard with space art of possible alien asteroids.
Small image of postcard with space art of a hot alien Jupiter.
Small image of postcard with space art of a pulsar planet system.
Small image of postcard with space art of a dusty disk around a star with possible planet tracks.
Small image of buble-blowing baby star postcard.
Small image of Large Megellanic Cloud postcard.
Small image of rosette Nebula postcard.

Spitzer postcards: First four comprise a set on planet-finding (download separately at left). Each postcard has an artist's rendering that represents a major finding of the Spitzer Space Telescope in its search for extra-solar planets. Extended captions on the back of each postcard explains the new planet or planet system findings.

Next three are real images from the Spitzer.

GALEX image of spiral galaxy NGC 55.
GALEX image of galaxy Centaurus A.
GALEX deep imaging survey.
GALEX image of galaxy M83.
GALEX image of galaxy M51.
GALEX image of M2 Globular Cluster.
GALEX image of Pinwheel Galaxy.
GALEX image of Andromeda Galaxy.
GALEX image of spiral galaxy NGC 1512.0
GALEX image of the Cartwheel Galaxy.
GALEX image of Triangulum Galaxy, M33.
Small image of postcard Z Cam and Ghost.

Small image of postcard  M106.
Small image of postcard of Mira, a real shooting star.
Galaxy Evolution Explorer postcards. Fifteen postcards (download separately at left) on galaxies as seen in ultraviolet light by the GALEX spacecraft. Each postcard has as extended caption on the back explaining the image and what it reveals that was not known before.
Small picture of bookmark.
Small picture of bookmark.
Small picture of bookmark.
Spitzer bookmarks: Two "back-to-back" bookmarks with four Spitzer images of galaxies. Captions on bookmarks describe the images.

Space Technology

Small image of ST5 litho. Space Technology 5 litho
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