Instructions for Ordering Copies of Images from the U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office Photograph Collection

We are sorry, but we were just informed that the vendor who had provided duplication services for our office is, as of Friday, 3 July 2009, no longer in business.

We are, therefore, in the process of trying to find another vendor to provide this service to those who wish to have images from our collection duplicated. Until that process is completed we will be unable to fulfill your request.

It is our intent to resume image duplication as soon as possible. We will update this webpage as soon as a new vendor is located.

Despite the lack of an outside duplication service, however, if you would care to visit our office the collection is still open to researchers.  You may digitally scan or photograph any of our historic images yourself, or you may hire a private researcher to do this for you if you are unable to visit.

In any case we do apologize for the inconvenience.


USCG Historian's Office Staff

Last Modified 7/6/2009