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small noaa logo Home | Software & Data Sets | Responding to Oil Spills
Information to support effective and safe responses to oil spills in the coastal environment.
A small version of the ADIOS icon. ADIOS2 ADIOS is an oil weathering model that incorporates an extensive database of crude oils and refined products, and provides quick estimates of the expected changes in an oil's properties once it has spilled.
Biological Resources Animals and plants that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources. There is also detailed information about their seasonality, concentrations, and breeding activities.
Downloading ESI Maps and GIS Data Find out what ESI products can be downloaded for free.
A small icon for the electronic ICS Forms. Electronic ICS Forms Electronic versions of the ICS forms that are used by people responding to oil spills or hazardous chemical accidents, as well as other kinds of emergencies. We offer them in two formats: database and PDF.
A small section of an ESI map. Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps ESI maps help oil spill responders and planners to identify vulnerable coastal locations, establish protection priorities, and identify cleanup strategies.
ERMA logo. ERMA: Environmental Response Management Application New Web-based GIS tool designed to assist emergency responders and planners who deal with incidents that may adversely impact the environment.
ESI Availability Find out what regions have been mapped using the ESI method and download metadata, indexes, and fact sheets for each ESI atlas.
ESI Data in Geodatabase Format Download the latest GIS data in geodatabase format.
ESI Guidelines This 2002 report summarizes the ESI mapping system and how this information is being developed and distributed using GIS technology.
ESI Metadata Information about the data (called metadata) in NOAA OR&R's Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) atlases.
ESI Toolbar Use this suite of add-on tools to help you view and query ESI atlases that have been published in geodatabase format.
ESI Toolkit Tools and resources for Environmental Sensitivity Index maps.
ESI Training A new training module is now available for ESI users. The manual and associated training materials will help spill responders and planners learn to use ESI data in multiple formats.
ESI Viewers Get the latest ESI Viewers, which were created to make it easier for ESI users (particularly those without access to ESRI's ArcMap software) to view and query digital ESI data.
Get ESI Maps and GIS Data Find out how to order or download ESI maps and GIS data.
Drawing of a sinking tanker, leaking oil into the water. GNOME The GNOME Development team has released a Location File for New York Harbor, plus an updated GNOME 1.3.0!
GNOME Listserver A forum for discussions and announcements among users of GNOME, OR&R's spill trajectory software.
Human-Use Resources Human-use resources (such as public beaches and parks) that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources.
Shoreline Rankings ESI shoreline rankings rate how sensitive an area would be to an oil spill.
icon for dispersant navigation. Spill Tools A set of free programs designed for oil spill planners and responders, which you can download and use.
Spill Tools: An Oil Spill Response Exercise A set of exercises to help responders and planners learn to use Spill Tools.
section of a tap program window. Trajectory Analysis Planner (TAP) A software tool designed to help contingency planners protect regions against likely spills.
Using Maps to Evaluate Environmental Tradeoffs Instructions and materials for an exercise in which you plan a protection strategy for a coastline threatened by an oil spill.
Current News:
SOS Workshops OR&R's SOS Workshops focus on evaluating environmental risks during spills and making decisions to optimize environmental recovery. The next SOS Workshop will be held November 3-5, 2009 in Seattle. (updated: August 3, 2009)
ERMA: Environmental Response Management Application New Web-based GIS tool designed to assist emergency responders and planners who deal with incidents that may adversely impact the environment. (updated: July 23, 2009)
Of Special Note:
IncidentNews News and information on current and historical incidents, including the crash of US Air flight 1549 into the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009.
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) The Coastal Response Research Center is focused on developing new approaches to spill response and restoration in marine and estuarine environments through research and synthesis of information.
Dispersant Mission Planner (DMP2) OR&R recently updated its Dispersant Mission Planner. The new planner, DMP2, is a tool that spill responders and planners can use to assess dispersant application system performance.
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