Consumer Corner

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Brewery Qualification

You’ve decided to become a brewer?  You must first qualify with TTB and apply for an operating permit, or Brewer’s Notice.

To apply for a permit, you must complete the required documentation in the application packet, which is available online. You also may access the necessary forms and documents from the information below.

We will complete our screening and processing within 95 days of receipt of an acceptable Brewer’s Notice application.  There is no application fee.

If the premises you will use for this operation are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, you should not begin construction or remodeling until you have contacted your State Historic Preservation Office.  Read more.


First, you should become familiar with TTB regulations related to beer in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 27 Part 25.

When you a ready to file for a permit, the following forms must be properly completed and submitted to TTB:

In addition, you must file a:

  • Diagram of the brewery premises
  • Description of the brewery premises
  • Legal Description of the Brewery – based on the lot, such as in your county records
  • Statement describing the security at the brewery

Please provide your e-mail address in Item 9 of the Brewer’s Notice application and a daytime telephone number in the event we need to contact you about your application.

If you have any questions, please contact TTB’s National Revenue Center (NRC) at 1-877-882-3277 or 513-684-2238.


If someone will be signing the application and/or supporting documents or will act on your behalf, you must submit one of the following with your application:

  • TTB F 5000.8, Power of Attorney;
  • TTB F 5100.1, Signing Authority for Corporate and LLC Officials, or complete Item 15 of the Brewer’s Notice; or
  • Corporate resolution or specific notification in organizational documents granting this authority.


If you are filing as a sole owner and someone will sign documents on your behalf, you must file TTB F 5000.8, Power of Attorney.


If you are filing as a corporation, you must also file:

  • Copy of Articles of Incorporation
  • Copy of Bylaws
  • List of officers, directors, and anyone holding 10 percent or more of stock, including addresses, and showing the number of shares held; and
  • Copy of certificate of incorporation executed by an officer of the State in which incorporated
  • If incorporated in a different State, a certificate showing authority to operate in the State where the brewery operations will take place is required


If you are filing as a limited liability company (LLC), you must also file:

  • Copy of Articles of Organization
  • Copy of Operating Agreement
  • Copy of certificate of organization executed by an officer of the State in which organized
  • List of members/managers, including addresses, and their percentage of interest
  • LLC Tax Classification Election
  • If organized in a different State, a certificate showing authority to operate in the State where the brewery operations will take place is required.


If you are filing as a partnership, you must also file:

  • Copy of Partnership Agreement
  • Copy of certificate of partnership where required to be filed by any State, county, or municipality
  • List of the partners, including addresses, and their percentage of ownership
  • If there is a verbal agreement rather than written partnership agreement, please provide a written statement to that effect signed by all partners.
  • All partners must sign each form sent to the NRC, unless they authorize one or more partners to sign individually by executing TTB F 5000.8 for each such authorized partner.