David Vitter, United States Senator, Louisiana

Parents, along with local teachers, principals, and school boards, know best how to spend our education tax dollars.

When it comes right down to it, I trust the people in Washington Parish to make decisions regarding their children's education far more than I trust the bureaucrats in Washington, DC.

That's why I've supported education reforms to shift much more education decision-making and money back home.

Some of my other efforts to improve our schools include:

Visiting dozens of schools and hosting regular education forums throughout Louisiana.

Authoring legislation to fully fund the federal special education commitment.

Introducing legislation to allow schools to properly discipline special education students who bring weapons or drugs to school.

Co-sponsoring a $1,000 per child education tax credit.

Funding a $1.3 million statewide initiative to improve technology in the classroom and prepare our children for 21st Century jobs.

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