David Vitter, United States Senator, Louisiana

August 10, 2009

Vitter Praises Turnout at His Health Care Forum

Will hold a total of 18 meetings in Louisiana in August to allow for even more participation

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter praised the overwhelming turnout at his health care forum today in Jefferson Parish. Vitter will be holding a total of 18 health care forums and town hall meetings throughout Louisiana this August, including in southeast Louisiana.

“I don’t agree at all with what Nancy Pelosi said. These forums and meetings are important to get the different views and concerns from Louisianans about health care reform. Many folks are very concerned about what a government-run health plan will mean for the quality of their coverage, and, as Louisiana’s senator, I appreciate and welcome the dialogue so I can better represent those views and concerns in Congress,” said Vitter.

Last week, Vitter introduced a stand-alone measure to place members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives and their families on any government-run health plan created by Congress. Vitter has also stated that he will offer this same measure as an amendment to the health care reform bills brought up for debate in the U.S. Senate.

August 2009 Press Releases