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HIV/AIDS - the link

HIV/AIDS - the link
HIV, AIDS, and Drug Abuse Information
 Ask Dr. NIDA: HIV, AIDS, and Drug Abuse
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Should Teens Worry About HIV and AIDS?

Yes. Teens are at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. Teens under the influence of drugs are at increased risk for behaviors that lead to the transmission of viruses such as HIV because drugs can impair their judgment.


How Do Teens Become Infected With HIV?

Sharing needles or other paraphernalia used in injection drug use and risky sexual practices are the two main ways that HIV is spread. HIV is transmitted when an infected person's blood or other bodily fluid comes in contact with the blood, broken skin, or mucous membranes of an uninfected person. [1]

How Can Teens Protect Themselves?

The best way to protect yourself is to stay healthy and think clearly. Choose not to use drugs. Know that drug use can change the brain and affect the way people make decisions and weigh risks.

Can You Tell if Someone is Infected with HIV or has AIDS?

You cannot tell by looking at them if someone is infected with HIV. A person can be infected with the virus for many years. A medical diagnostic test is the only way to know if a person has HIV or if their HIV has progressed to AIDS [1]

Is There a Vaccine to Prevent HIV?

At present, there is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection.

Is There a Cure for AIDS?

At present, there is no cure for AIDS, although it can be treated with HAART, which can prolong life and decrease symptoms.

Why is NIDA Studying HIV and AIDS?

NIDA is studying HIV and AIDS because they have been inextricably linked with drug abuse since the HIV/AIDS epidemic began. Extensive research launched by NIDA in the 1980s showed that comprehensive prevention and drug treatment can be cost-effective and reliable in preventing new HIV infections. Recent research confirms this, demonstrating that school- and community-based prevention programs can be effective in reducing high-risk behaviors, including drug abuse and unsafe sexual practices that can lead to HIV infection. [3]

What Can I Do to Help?

Every December 1 is World AIDS Day [5] Participate by spreading the word that drug abuse and HIV/AIDS can shorten lives. Tell your friends what you've learned and how they can avoid infection.

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