Best Practices & Resources

High Standards That Work

Citizen Market Research and Insights


How Customer Service is Evolving in Government (Call/Contact Centers)

As USA Services adopts new technologies, we also track how customer service is evolving at other agencies. At, we keep a list of government podcasts and blogs, just to name a few.  USA Services is an expert in how Web 2.0 technologies are being used around the government. 


Successful Practices of Marketing Services in the Federal Government

The final report will be released when it is done with the editing and review process.


Successful Practices of Consolidating Contact Centers and Help Desks in the Federal Government

The final report will be released when it is done with the editing and review process.


One Size Fits Few: Using Customer Insight to Transform Government

4/29/2008 | Deloitte Research Study

One-size-fits-all solutions requiring citizens to navigate a complex bureaucratic maze to obtain services simply do not cut in today's "on-demand" world. This new study examines how governments can demonstrate competence in carrying out the difficult task of governance in the 21st century and help restore citizens' confidence in public institutions at the same time.

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Segmentation of Government Customers

1/24/2008 | Robert Smudde - USA Services Federal Solutions Division

Six types of customer contacts with the government have been identified as part of a segmentation created by the U.S. General Services Administration’s USA Services Division:  informational, beneficial, dutiful, commercial, intergovernmental, and exceptional. A customer can be a citizen, non-citizen, business, other government agency, military personnel, law enforcement, or any other entity that an agency provides a service for.
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Government-Wide Assessment of Citizen Services Activities: Final Report

6/15/2007 | DPRA under contract to USA Services

USA Services conducted a Government-Wide Assessment (GWA) Survey to learn how and where people interact with the federal government and how to support agencies who may want assistance in improving their customer service functions. The survey is an expanded follow-on to the Budget Data Request conducted by the office of Management and Budget in 2004.
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Improving Citizen Customer Service: Metrics, Benchmarks, Best Practices, and Technology Trends

7/20/2005 | Shahram Sharaf, MITRE Corp.

We contracted with the MITRE Corporation to study contact center metrics, best practices, and technologies in the public and private sectors. Some agencies and companies are already highly rated for their customer service and we want to learn from them.
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