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Technology Trends and Web 2.0 - 3.0

The Office of Citizen Services (OCS) is a Web 2.0 leader in the government.  We have a blog, and has its own YouTube channel. In an effort to keep looking forward, OCS monitors market research to see what Web 3.0 will look like. 


Do blogs beat traditional media outlets at breaking news?

June 13, 2009 |

Blogs are an important source of news and current affairs for many Internet users, but how do they measure up to traditional news outlets when it comes to speed of news delivery? According to new research from Cornell, traditional news outlets get news out faster than blogs.

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Mobile users accessing content regularly

June 13, 2009 |

When it comes to mobile consumers, content does seem to be king. According to a recent report from Frank Magid Associates, 51% of mobile users access content via mobile at least once each week. Mobile consumes are spending more than 30 minutes with the content, as well as texting (38 minutes) and talking regularly.

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Email still tops around the globe

June 18, 2009 |

Email may not be sexy and it may not be perfect, but it could still be spell the difference between a lackluster ad campaign and a campaign that shines. According to Epsilon's Global Consumer Email Study email continues to be the main communications factor for consumers around the world.

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Facebook Overtakes MySpace

June 18, 2009 eMarketerDigital Intelligence

According to comScore, Facebook totaled 70,278,000 unique visitors, up 97% from May 2008 to May 2009. MySpace hits shrank 5% over the same timeframe, fading to 70,255,000 unique visitors.

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Social Media Explosion -- Consumer Internet Barometer™ Tracks Who's Doing What on the Internet

June 16, 2009 | Consumer Internet Barometer

Social networks are exploding in popularity. Forty-three percent of the online community now uses social networking sites, including Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn. This is up from 27 percent a year ago, reports The Conference Board and TNS.

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Why Government Needs to Participate in Social Media

June 2009 | Len Sipes entry for FedPitch 2009

We need to engage in social media and engage in dialogs with the citizens we serve. We need to do it to protect employee reputations. We need to do it because it accomplishes organizational goals, and we need to do it while we still have the opportunity. If not, others may define our agencies and issues to suit their own purposes.The time for government to fully embrace social media is now.

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White House blog highlights public response to open government

June 12, 2009 | Wyatt Kash,

White House officials, in a series of blog postings this week, provided a glimpse of how the public suggests the federal government could make government data more accessible — and be more transparent.

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Comparing Technology Innovation in the Private and Public Sectors

June 2009 | Brookings Institution

Finds that many government websites lag the private sector in offering multi-media, interactivity, and personalization. However, the private sector does not outperform the public sphere in every area.

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Social-Networking Tools Fuel Collaboration

June 10, 2009 | Richard W. Walker,

When software engineers at Lockheed Martin Corp. have a bright idea, how do they get the word out? Not by sending a few e-mail messages. That’s old school. They blog about it instead.

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Using Social Media to Protect Public Safety

May 29, 2009 | Leonard Sipes, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Every year, the federal Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) attends conferences throughout the country to address our social media efforts. There are two PowerPoint presentations attached to support this effort:

1. A general overview of CSOSA social media efforts.

Downloadable PowerPoint file (189 kb)

2. An overview as to how the collective criminal justice system in Washington D.C. used social media to convince 530 criminal offenders with warrants to voluntarily surrender in a church.

Downloadable PowerPoint file (228 kb)


eMarketer: Virtual worlds to increase 55%

May 26, 2009 |

Virtual worlds aren't just a catch phrase for sitcoms and prime time television any longer. According to a recent eMarketer report, virtual worlds are growing by leaps and bounds and could grow by more than 50% over the next five years.

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Twitter Bible: Everything You Need to Know About Twitter

May 7, 2009 |

Advice on how to get started, practice good etiquette, network and job hunt, search smart and stay organized with the social networking service.

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2009 Women in Social Media Study

May 2009 | Blogher, iVillage, and Compass Partners

Women are using social media more than ever before to compare prices, post product recommendations and keep in touch with others, but there appears to be a dividing line when it comes to which media they use for each activity.

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Changing Consumer Priorities in Tough Times

April 29, 2009 | University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business and Rockbridge Associates, Inc.

Economic woes are causing consumers to change the way they spend their time, as well as their money. Social networking continues to play a big part in their lives and savvy businesses will be forging relationships now ready for when the economy recovers.

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Defense: National Defense University Paper Advocates Use of Social Media

April 2009 | National Defense University's Center for Technology and National Security Policy

The paper frames the potential of social media in four categories: internal agency information sharing, information sharing with agency partners, crowd sourcing and gauging public sentiment, and empowering people outside government.

Incorporating social software into the government's day-to-day work practices will "improve understanding of how others use the software, unlock self-organizing capabilities within the government, promote networking and collaboration with groups outside the government, speed decision making, and increase agility and adaptability," the authors contend. The capability of social media tools to foster connections should also "decrease the probability of being shocked, surprised, or out-maneuvered."

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Using Social Media to Protect Public Safety

April 2009 | Leonard Sipes, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, iin collaboration with Zoe Mentel, COPS

D.C.’s Fugitive Safe Surrender Prompts 530 Offenders with Warrants to Voluntarily Surrender in a Church

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Who Tweets in Government?

April 9, 2009 | Government Computer News Blog

According to a survey by research firm CommStat, almost 10 million people were using the microblogging service as of February. While 10 million is still small potatoes compared to, say, Facebook's small nation of 200 million users, Twitter's increase in users is quite impressive, up 700 percent from a year ago.

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How Facebook is Taking Over Our Lives

February 19, 2009 | Jessi Hempel, writer for Fortune Magazine

President Obama used it to get elected. Dell will recruit new hires with it. Microsoft's new operating system borrows from it. No question, Facebook has friends in high places. Can CEO Mark Zuckerberg make those connections pay off?

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Using Social Media to Improve Public Safety - DC’s Fugitive Safe Surrender Prompts 530 Offenders with Warrants to Voluntarily Surrender in a Church

February 2009 | Leonard A. Sipes, Jr., Senior Public Affairs Specialist
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

The primary objective of social media is a personal, non-bureaucratic style of communicating that respects various learning styles and encourages the development of conversations with the public and media.

The bottom line is that social media, in combination with traditional media, creates a powerful and effective method of communicating. You can accomplish organizational operational goals effectively with social media.

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Twitter and status updating

February 12, 2009 | Amanda Lenhart Susannah Fox, Pew Internet and the American Life Project

As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others. Just a few weeks earlier, in November 2008, 9% of internet users used Twitter or updated their status online and in May of 2008, 6% of internet users responded yes to a slightly different question, where users were asked if they used "Twitter or another 'microblogging' service to share updates about themselves or to see updates about others."

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Generations Online in 2009

January 28, 2009 | Sydney Jones and Susannah Fox, Pew Internet & American Life Project

Contrary to the image of Generation Y as the "Net Generation," internet users in their twenties do not dominate every aspect of online life. Gen X is the most likely to shop, bank and look for health information online. And larger percentages of older generations are doing many more activities online.

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ACSI Study: People like using the Web to reach agencies

January 28, 2009 | Sydney Jones Susannah Fox, Pew Internet and the American Life Project

Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online, according to surveys taken from 2006-2008.

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Tending the Wiki Garden

January 26, 2009 | John Zyskowski,

Slowly but surely, government agencies are discovering the benefits of wikis. Some now use them for a variety of mission-critical tasks, including developing budgets, formulating policy and even sharing classified intelligence information.

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MuniGov 2.0

December 2008 | DotGov Buzz Volume 3 Issue 12: December 23, 2008

What started as an idea for an online collection of Web 2.0 best practices for state and local governments has morphed into a community of MuniGov members who meet weekly in Second Life, the popular virtual world, to discuss out-of-the-box ideas. For Greeves himself it became an opportunity to blog about his experiences for Government Technology Magazine's website. MuniGov 2.0 is a coalition of local/municipal governments focused on exploring the use and principles of Web 2.0 in an effort to improve citizen services and communication via technology.

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The Future of the Internet III

December 14, 2008 | Janna Anderson Lee Rainie - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

A survey of internet leaders, activists and analysts shows they expect major tech advances as the phone becomes a primary device for online access, voice-recognition improves, artificial and virtual reality become more embedded in everyday life, and the architecture of the internet itself improves.

They disagree about whether this will lead to more social tolerance, more forgiving human relations, or better home lives.

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Social Media Wants You

October 10, 2008 | Jessica Tsai,

Charlene Li, the co-author of "Groundswell" and former Forrester Research analyst, offers simple advice for taking on social media: Just do it.

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Generation Y in the Workplace: Digital Natives' Tech Needs Are Changing Companies Forever

September 17, 2008 | Heather Havenstein, Computerworld

As Generation Y starts graduating from college and entering the work force, they are bringing with them a slew of technology demands to IT organizations of potential employers. Because the generation's demands are vastly different from earlier groups, many companies are struggling to find ways to satisfy them.

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So You Want to Podcast?

September 2008 | Leonard A. Sipes, Jr., Senior Public Affairs Specialist
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency started to populate their podcasting site ( in November 2006, and began advertising the site in January 2007. The site contains radio and television shows, transcripts and a blog. They've found that consumers love the choices of a comprehensive approach to learning.

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Podcast Downloading 2008

August 28, 2008 | Mary Madden Sydney Jones - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

Currently, 19% of all internet users say they have downloaded a podcast so they could listen to it or view it later. This most recent percentage is up from 12% of internet users who reported downloading podcasts in our August 2006 survey and 7% in our February-April 2006 survey. Still, podcasting has yet to become a fixture in the everyday lives of internet users, as very few internet users download podcasts on a typical day.

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Improving Technology Utilization in Electronic Government around the World, 2008

August 17, 2008 | Darrell M. West, Vice President and Director, Governance Studies, Brookings Institute

" This report reviews the current condition of electronic government and makes practical suggestions for improving the delivery of information and services over the Internet. .Using a detailed analysis of 1,667 national government websites in 198 nations around the world undertaken in Summer 2008, this report studies the types of features available online, the variation that exists across countries, and how current e-government trends compare to previous years, as far as 2001. "

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Why Marketers Shouldn't Ignore Widget Craze

August 14, 2008 | Kristina Knight,

Once thought of as a cool way to share online content with friends, the widget is quickly coming into its own and advertisers are taking note. However, advertiser adoption is still behind the adoption rate of consumers, which makes widgets even more important for marketers. Because so many consumers are using widgets, it makes sense to place ads or sponsor content in widgets.

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Social Media Ousting Email?

August 7, 2008 | Helen Leggatt,

The growing popularity of social media is being seen as responsible for the falling use of email. Such are the findings of a recent JupiterResearch survey.

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Governing in the Age of Web 2.0

August 5, 2008 | Bill Shrier, eDigital Communities

A set of technologies named "Web 2.0" is transforming the Internet. Sites such as YouTube, Myspace and Facebook plus RSS feeds, blogs and wiki's attract hundreds of millions of people. Yet this transformation by Web 2.0 of government is just now beginning. How might it occur?

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Tweens Use Search to Navigate 'Net

August 4, 2008 | Helen Leggatt,

Search is an integral part of a tween's online toolbox, according to a new study commissioned by DoubleClick Performics, and an online channel much overlooked by many marketing to youngsters.

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Federal Mobility 2.0 Study Shows Feds Are Reaping the Benefits of Wireless Internet Access

July 8, 2008 | Business Wire

Telework ExchangeSM, a public-private partnership focused on telework in government, announced the results of the 'Federal Mobility 2.0' study. Underwritten by Sprint (NYSE:S), the study examines Federal teleworkers, non-teleworkers, and Federal IT executives' attitudes toward wireless Internet and the state of wireless Internet security. The study reveals that more than half of all Federal employees, including teleworkers, are using wireless Internet for work purposes and report significant productivity and continuity of operations (COOP) benefits. Further, the majority ' 83 percent ' of Federal IT executives find that wireless Internet can be used securely.

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Have Your Avatar Call My Avatar: Doing Business Virtually

June 24, 2008 | Mary K. Pratt,

Lots of corporations are dabbling in virtual worlds, but no one has found the killer application--yet.

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Transportation Tries Out Wikis, Blogs and More

June 23, 2008 | DOT's Dan Mintz for

" Our thought was that this gave us a faster way to present to the public messages that otherwise would take a long time to publish and would often get distorted. We are learning much more than that is happening. "

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1 in 4 Internet Users Visit Social Networking Sites

June 20, 2008 | Helen Leggatt,

Until recently, social networking was a relatively niche Internet activity. Nowadays many Internet users have integrated them into their daily lives, and perhaps the business community will be the next to embrace it.

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Reports: Summer is a Great Time for Social Marketing

June 19, 2009 | Kristina Knight,

During the month of May, Hitwise found that MySpace received just over 70% of social networking visits. Facebook remained in the second position with almost 17% of visits. Researchers also found that time spent on social networks has increased 71% year over year.

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How Consumers Are Engaging on Mobiles

June 19, 2008 | Kristina Knight,

A recent Experian report found that in 30 countries cell phones have reached 100% usage per capita. The most popular cell phone activity remains talking. Second (59% engagement level) is text messaging, followed by taking pictures (49%) and downloading ring tones (17%). Accessing the mobile web and email are increasingly popular activities on mobile phones.

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Web Self-Service Helps 311 Call Centers Reduce Load

June 13, 2008 | Chandler Harris, Government Technology

The Gartner study on the Minneapolis 311 call center found a significant return on investment when residents used the Web instead of calling 311, which forces agents to log cases on the customer's behalf. The study found that each telephone call or e-mail inquiry cost an estimated $4.50, while Web self-service cost 50 cents per inquiry.

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The Internet and the 2008 Election

June 15, 2008 | Aaron Smith Lee Rainie - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

Fully 46% of all Americans have used the internet, email or cell phone text messaging to get news about the campaign, share their views and mobilize others. 35% of Americans say they have watched online political videos--a figure that nearly triples the reading the Pew Internet Project got in the 2004 race.

10% say they have used social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace to gather information or become involved. This is particularly popular with younger voters: Two-thirds of internet users under the age of 30 have a social networking profile, and half of these use social networking sites to get or share information about politics or the campaigns.

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Gov’t. 2.0: Wikis, Blogs and More

June 10, 2008 Elise CastelliI,

EPA's Molly O’Neill and others like her are breaking down cultural barriers that have long made government a transaction rather than a conversation for citizens, said Frank DiGiammarino, vice president for strategic initiatives at the National Academy of Public Administration.

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The Second Coming of Web 2.0

June 1, 2008 | Marshall Lager,

Web 2.0" has been the subject of much buzz -- especially in CRM. What's beyond that buzz, and how can you make it work for you?

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Making Mashup Masterpieces

June 1, 2008 | Jessica Tsai ,

Business just got a little more hands on -- and a lot more interesting. Judging by the rapid pace at which mashups are evolving, research firm Gartner advises businesses to incorporate this technology into their corporate strategies immediately.

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What's The Social Technographics Profile Of Your Customers?

May 2008 | Josh Bernhoff and Charlene Li, Forrester

Target audience and determine what kind of relationship you want to build with them, based on what they are ready for. Forrester's Social Technographics® classifies consumers into six overlapping levels of participation (see a presentation, 8 slides).

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Social Networks' Steadfast Growth

May 12, 2008 | Lauren McKay,

End-user involvement with social networking is escalating rapidly, according to recent studies by research firms IDC and Gartner, and now is the time for businesses to play catch-up. Both reports underscore the tremendous growth in the so-called Enterprise 2.0 sector.

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Social Networking Going Mobile, Nielsen Finds: U.K. and U.S. Lead in Accessing Social Networks via Mobile Phones

May 8., 2008 | Nielsen

A growing number of mobile phone subscribers worldwide are taking online social networking to the streets, research conducted by The Nielsen Company reveals. 

The findings, released by Nielsen Mobile, a service of The Nielsen Company, show that the U.K. leads Europe in mobile social networking on a percentage basis -- with the U.S. boasting comparable numbers.

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Forrester: Social networking will be biggest enterprise 2.0 priority by 2013; Smaller businesses reticent

April 21, 2008 | Larry Dignan, with Jason Perlot,

" Enterprise 2.0 will become a $4.6 billion industry by 2013 and social networking tools will garner the bulk of the money, according to a report by Forrester Research."

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Digital Footprints (Presented to Web Managers Roundtable)

March 27, 2008 | Presentation and related Report | Mary Madden - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

In the era of Web 2.0, individuals and organizations have gone beyond simply being findable to being intimately knowable. These digital footprints are blazing trails and stirring up issues about how we manage our own online identities and those of our organizations.

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Power to the People, Social Media Tracker Wave.3

March 2008 | Universal McCann

Universal McCann says that 29.5% of Americans have ever downloaded a
podcast, up from 12.7% in 2006. Worldwide, the report says that 45.1% of
internet users have ever downloaded a podcast.

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Early Adopters: Why People First Went Online --and Why They Stayed

February 21, /2008 | Amy Tracy Wells - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

Pew Internet and the American Life Project's canvassing of longtime internet users shows that the things that first brought them online are still going strong on the internet today. Then, it was bulletin boards; now, it's social networking sites. Then, it was the adventure of exploring the new cyberworld; now, it's upgrading to broadband and wireless connections to explore even more aggressively. Yet there are changes in their activities and motives. In the early days, most internet users consumed material from websites. These days they are just as likely to produce material. One common refrain is that they think more change lies ahead and they are eager to watch and participate.

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Increased Use of Video-sharing Sites

1/9/2008 | Lee Raine - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

48% of internet users have been to video-sharing sites such as YouTube and the daily traffic to such sites on a typical day has doubled in the past year. These are basic findings in a national phone survey that ended in December 2007.

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Government 2.0 - Transforming Government and Governance for the Twenty-First Century

November 2007 | Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams, and Dan Herman of New Paradigm (Edited and added by Dan Munz for The Collaboration Project)

"While industrial-age government was based on monopoly power, and structured around rigid hierarchies, g-webs distribute power broadly and leverage innovation, knowledge and value from the market and civil society. The shift to Government 2.0 will result in greater value and lower cost for the customers of government, and more engagement for the owners of government; the public. "

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Wikipedia Users

April 2007 | Lee Rainie Bill Tancer, Pew Internet and the American Life Project

36% of online American adults consult Wikipedia

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2007 Excellence in Government Award White Paper: “Improving Organizational Performance Using Information Technology”

Sponsored by the Industry Advisory Council’s Collaboration & Transformation Shared Interest Group

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