Consumer Corner

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The TTB Electronic Reading Room contains materials specifically required to be maintained under subsection (a)(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as amended. TTB makes distinct categories of records contained in our Electronic Reading Room.  Learn more about the types of records we make available. 

Some records are also available by appointment in the TTB Public Reading Room located at 1310 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005.  To make an appointment, call 202-927-2400.  

If you would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, please visit our Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) page for instructions.


Formal interpretation of TTB and ATF regulations

Industry Circulars

Announcements regarding events or TTB policies that affect the regulated industry


Formal instructions that supplement TTB regulations

Administrative Cases

Abstract and Statement forms summarizing the Offers in Compromise accepted by TTB

Frequently Requested FOIA Documents graphic.

Public records requested and released on a frequent basis of listings of alcohol industry members who hold permits under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act.


Tax guidance Plans and Reports

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