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Laws and Regulations

For easy access, please select from the links below to read the Code of Federal Regulations and public laws relating to the beer industry.

To submit comments on an open rulemaking, please see Beer – Notices of Proposed Rulemaking or visit


26 U.S.C. (Internal Revenue Code) Chapter 51, Distilled Spirits, Wines, and Beer

27 U.S.C. (Intoxicating Liquors) Chapter 8, Federal Alcohol AdministrationAct (FAA)

Public Law 107-188, The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002


27 CFR Part 6, "Tied-House"

27 CFR Part 7, Labeling and Advertising of Malt Beverages

27 CFR Part 8, Exclusive Outlets

27 CFR Part 10, Commercial Bribery

27 CFR Part 11, Consignment Sales

27 CFR Part 13, Labeling Proceedings

27 CFR Part 16, Alcoholic Beverage Health Warning Statement

27 CFR Part 25, Beer

27 CFR Part 26, Liquors and Articles from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

27 CFR Part 27, Importation of Distilled Spirits, Wine and Beer

27 CFR Part 28, Exportation of Alcohol