John S. Greenlees, Ph.D.

Research Economist
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of Price and Index Number Research 

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Price Measurement, Index Numbers

Ph.D., Economics, University of California (Los Angeles), 1977
M.A., Economics, University of Chicago, 1970
B.A., Economics, University of California (Berkeley), 1968

Professional Experience
Research Economist, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2007-present
Associate Commissioner for Prices and Living Conditions, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004-2007
Assistant Commissioner for Consumer Prices and Price Indexes, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1995-2004
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Department of the Treasury, 1985-1995
Division of Price and Index Number Research, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1978-1985

Selected Publications and Working Papers

  • “Addressing Misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index,” (with Robert B. McClelland), Monthly Labor Review, Volume 131 (August 2008), pp. 3-19
  • “The BLS Response to the Boskin Commission Report,”International Productivity Monitor, Number 12 (Spring 2006), pp. 23-41  
  • “Working to Improve the Consumer Price Index,” (with Katharine G. Abraham and Brent R. Moulton), Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 12 (Winter 1998), pp. 27-36  
  • “The Impact of Direct Taxes on the Cost of Living,” (with Robert Gillingham), Journal of Political Economy, Volume 95 (August 1987), pp. 775-796  
  • “Imputation of Missing Values When the Probability of Response Depends upon the Variable Being Imputed,” (with William S. Reece and Kimberly D. Zieschang), Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 77 (June 1982), pp. 251-261


Last Modified Date: September 4, 2009