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Togo's numerous pressing development challenges have increased in recent years due to political and economic instability. A significant percentage of Togo's rural population lives in extreme poverty. Less than 30 percent of the female population has the opportunity for education or training that can equip them to participate in the development of their communities. AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases continue to increase at an alarming rate, with HIV infection estimated at 6 percent of the adult population. Deforestation and other forms of environmental degradation are worsening as the country's growing population places increased demands on its natural resource base. The Peace Corps works to promote self-sufficiency in the areas of business and micro-enterprise development, environment, health, and education.


Volunteers work with different community groups to increase understanding of the importance and benefits of girls' education in order to increase girls' access to formal and nonformal education. They also work with teachers to create an environment that will keep girls in school and students in clubs and classrooms. In recent years, the project has expanded to address the educational needs of apprentices and the trafficking of children. Volunteers help coordinate boys' and girls' camps during the summer with a focus on topics such as the importance of education, gender equity, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and life skills.


Health Volunteers focus on public health education in four main programs: child growth monitoring and nutrition education for mothers; family planning, childbirth spacing, and sexual education for young people; fighting against malaria; and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Volunteers also engage in small projects such as construction of family latrines, wells, and "health huts" that respond to community needs and contribute to the over all health of individual families.

Volunteers efforts to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention have reached 80 percent of individuals in communities where Volunteers have worked and nearly 100 percent of students in secondary and high schools in these areas.

Small Business Development

Volunteers work with credit unions, women's informal savings groups, and local nongovernmental organizations to offer business training and consulting to members to improve business skills. The project helps improve basic business and entrepreneurial skills, fostering opportunities for growth and job creation in Togo's small business sector.


Traditional farming practices cannot meet the needs of Togo's growing population. Volunteers are working with farmers on projects to introduce sustainable farming practices that will lead to improved farm yields and reduced environmental degradation. Volunteers are also working with their communities on reforestation and tree nurseries.

Last updated Sep 28 2008

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Togo Projects

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Vital Statistics

Population Average
5 million
Program Dates
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken
Bassar, Cotocolis, Ewe, French, Gourma, Ife (Ana), Kabiye, Komkonba, Moba, Tchamba, Tchokossi, Tem


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