Consumer Corner

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The Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)

This program provides experience that is not directly related to the student's educational program and career goals. Therefore, students may be appointed under this authority regardless of the academic program they are pursuing.

bullet Students are appointed to a position not-to-exceed one-year and may be extended in one-year increments.

bullet The nature of the duties does not have to be related to the student's academic or career goals.

bullet Students are not eligible for conversion to a permanent position under this authority.

bullet There is no mandatory requirement for students to document financial need to be eligible for this program. Agencies may set their own criteria if they wish.

bullet The U. S. Office of Personnel Management standards or agency-developed standards may be used to determine qualifications.

Benefits: Students

bullet are eligible for annual and sick leave,

bullet normally are ineligible for retirement coverage and health and life insurance.

Conversion option: Students may be converted to the Student Career Experience Program whenever they meet the requirements of that program and the agency has an appropriate position available.

Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) (Formerly Co-op Program)

This program provides experience that is directly related to the student's educational program and career goals. This component is almost synonymous with the former Cooperative Education program that provided for a schedule of school attendance combined with periods of career-related work.

bullet The work experience with the agency MUST be related to the academic or career goals of the student.

bullet A written agreement by all parties (agency, school, and student) is required to be signed which includes the nature of the work, schedule of work assignments, and evaluation procedures.

bullet Students appointed under this component will be classified as student trainees, to the xx99 series of the appropriate occupational group.

Benefits: Students are eligible to earn

bullet annual and sick leave

bullet They are eligible for life insurance and health benefits.

Conversion: Students who have met all of the requirements of the program may be converted to a permanent position. This may occur at any time within 120 days after satisfactory completion of certificate or degree requirements and when at least 640 hours of career-related work has been completed. Additionally, the conversion must be to an occupation related to the student's academic training, and the student must meet the qualification standard for the targeted position.

Students may be evaluated by either agency-developed standards or by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management qualification requirements for the target position.