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United States Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

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Key Issues

Creating Jobs in Michigan
Job creation is Senator Stabenow's top priority in the U.S. Senate.
Earlier this year, Congress passed the largest jobs bill in our nation's history. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act commits over $700 billion to create jobs in America, invest in our economy, and rebuild the middle class. During the debate on this bill, Senator Stabenow fought to make sure it also helps those families who have been most hurt by this economic downturn. Read More ...

Drive America Forward Act
Automotive sales continue to decline in the United States. We have seen a 40 percent decline in sales, across the board, since 2005. Jumpstarting the nation's auto manufacturing sector will help dealers, workers, suppliers, communities and will provide significant benefits for consumers.  Read More ...

Making Health Care Affordable
When it comes to health care, our families and businesses are in a serious crisis. High health care costs are causing cuts in benefits and increases in premiums, adding to the ranks of the uninsured at alarming rates. But the impact of this problem goes beyond individual families. Skyrocketing health care costs make our businesses less competitive in the global marketplace and cost us good-paying jobs. Read More ...

Green Jobs Will Help Boost Economy
Senator Stabenow believes that Michigan is uniquely positioned to become a leader in the green economy. As Congress works to enact new legislation addressing climate change, Senator Stabenow is leading the effort to ensure that the solution creates jobs and revitalizes the American economy. You can read her statement on green jobs by clicking here…

Building a 21st Century Manufacturing Strategy
As a member of the Senate Finance, Energy, Agriculture and Budget Committees, Senator Stabenow has won important victories for Michigan. These victories include significantly increasing resources for alternative energy in the 2008 Farm Bill, investing in manufacturing and advanced technology in the Senate’s 2009 federal budget, and providing funding for green infrastructure and passing new tax cuts for manufacturing in the Economic Recovery Bill. Read More ...

Protecting our Great Lakes
The Great Lakes and Michigan’s water resources are a vital part of Michigan’s identity and are critical to our economy including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and commercial shipping. They contain one-fifth of the world’s fresh water, and supply safe drinking water to thirty-three million people.  Senator Stabenow is committed to protecting this critical economic asset.  The following is a summary of the major federally funded programs that protect our Great Lakes and waterways. Read More ...

Reinvesting in Main Street
Partnering with mayors from our nation’s auto communities, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow has authored the Main Street Manufacturing Communities Reinvestment Act to provide financial assistance to local communities devastated by auto plant closings.  This bill authorizes the creation of new programs and appropriates the funds needed to redevelop closed manufacturing plants and retrain manufacturing workers for new, advanced technology jobs.  Read More ...

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is already creating new jobs in America by making sweeping investments in rebuilding our country, providing tax relief, and promoting alternative energy and green manufacturing. The package provides critical support for families, businesses and communities during this economic crisis. The recovery package is estimated to create over 100,000 Michigan jobs.  Read More ...

Renewable Energy Loan & Grant Resources
A list of helpful links with information on renewable energy and the application process for grants and loans. Read More ...