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SAMHSA's Weekly Financing News Pulse - May 26, 2009

Posted on May 26, 2009 11:04

Topics: News Pulse

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Table of Contents

National Health Financing News
  • Senate Finance Committee Releases Health Reform Funding Options; Senator Baucus Discusses Health Care Reform
  • Republicans Introduce Health Care Reform Plans
  • Other Democratic Legislators Progress Towards Health Care Reform
  • Update: Health Care Industry Groups Clarify Commitment to Reducing Health Spending Growth
  • Urban Institute Report Says Failure to Institute Health Care Reform Could Result in 66 Million Uninsured Residents
  • Daschle Continues to Play Role in Health Care Reform
  • Senate Confirms Hamburg as FDA Commissioner
  • New Democrat Coalition Seeks Independent Panel to Oversee Comparative Effectiveness Research
  • Senate HELP Committee Approves Bill to Place Tobacco Under FDA Regulation
  • Senate Approves Supplemental Spending Bill with Funds for Flu Pandemic
  • DOJ and States Join Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Accusing Wyeth of Medicaid Fraud
  • Health IT Lobby Group Asks HHS to Designate CCHIT as EHR Certification Body
  • Report Finds U.S. Residents Will Pay Greater Share of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage in 2009
  • HHS and DOJ Expand Health Care Fraud Investigations
  • Survey Finds Few Employers Plan to Drop M/SU Coverage In Response to Federal Parity Legislation
  • IHS Releases $500 Million in ARRA Health Care Funding
  • NEJM Study Finds IOM’s Medical Resident Rest Recommendations Would Cost $2.5 Billion Annually
  • Update: UAW and General Motors Agree to Tentative VEBA Deal
  • KFF Launches Health Reform Gateway

SAMHSA will release this week’s issue of the Financing News Pulse Tuesday May 26, 2009 because of Memorial Day. 

Around the Hill: Hearings on Health Financing
  • Senate Finance Committee: Financing Health Care Overhaul
    10:00 a.m. May 20, 215 Dirkse
  • Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services Education, and Related Agencies: Fiscal 2010 Appropriations: Labor, HHS, Education
    10:30 a.m. May 20, 138 Dirksen
  • House Oversight and Government Reform Committee: State and Local Pandemic Preparedness
    2:00 p.m. May 20, 2154 Rayburn
  • House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies: Fiscal 2010 Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies
    10:00 a.m. May 21, 2362-A Rayburn
  • Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies: Fiscal 2010 Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies
    2:00 p.m. May 21, 192 Dirksen
Around the States: State and Local Behavioral Health Financing News

Download SAMHSA's Weekly Financing News Pulse: Weekly Financing News Pulse final 20090526.pdf (818.51 kb)

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