Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Planetary System Formation Focus Group

    Chairs: Alan Boss and Ed Young

    The Planetary System Formation Focus Group (PSFFG) addresses the general area of the physical and chemical processes involved in the formation of planetary systems as they relate to topics of astrobiological significance, such as the formation of habitable planets and satellites. The PSFFG is working on helping NASA plan for future missions that will address the astrobiological goals relevant to planetary system formation, such as completing the census of extrasolar planetary systems, studying the chemistry and physics of protoplanetary disks, and assembling all of these constraints into a self-consistent theoretical picture of the planet formation process. The PSFFG provides input to the ongoing National Academy of Science (NAS) Decadal Surveys for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2010) and Planetary Science (Planet2011).