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CERES CRS References

Some of these references are available in the Publications section of the CAVE home page.

  1. Augustine, J. A., J. J. DeLuisi, and C. N. Long, 2000: SURFRAD - A national surface radiation budget network for atmospheric research. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 2341-2358.

  2. Cess, R. D., M. H. Zhang, P. Minnis, L. Corsetti, E. G. Dutton, B. W. Forgan, D. P. Garber, W. L. Gates, J. J. Hack, E. F. Harrison, X. Jing, J. T. Kiehl, C. N. Long, J.-J. Morcrette, G. L. Potter, V. Ramanathan, B. Subasilar, C. H. Whitlock, D. F. Young, and Y. Zhou, 1995: Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: Observations versus models. Science, 267, 496-499.

  3. Charlock, T. P., and T. L. Alberta, 1996: The CERES/ARM/GEWEX Experiment (CAGEX) for the retrieval of radiative fluxes with satellite data. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 2673-2683.

  4. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, and D. A. Rutan, 2001: Aerosols and the Residual Clear-Sky Insolation Discrepancy. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings (Atlanta, 19-23 March 2001). 15 pp. Available at ARM Publications page.

  5. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, and D. A. Rutan, 2003: Validation of the Archived CERES Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB) at SGP. Thirteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings (Broomfield, Colorado, March 31 - April 4, 2003). Available at ARM Publications page.

  6. Charlock, T., F. Rose, D. Rutan, L. Coleman, B. Baum, and R. Green, 1997: The total-sky, global atmospheric radiation budget from radiative transfer calculations using ERBE, AVHRR, and sounding data. Proceeding of the Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Long Beach (Feb. 2-7, 1997), AMS, 60-63.

  7. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, D. Fillmore, and W. Collins, 2004: Global Retrievals of the Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget. Proceedings of AMS 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, Virginia.

  8. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, C. K. Rutledge, L. Larman, Y. Hu, S. Kato, and M. Haeffelin, 2000: Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) Validation Plan for CERES Subsystem 5.0. 52 pp. See CERES Validation Documents page.

  9. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, L. H. Coleman, T. Caldwell, and S. Zentz, 2005: Global Multiyear Analysis of CERES Terra Observations and Radiative Transfer Calculations. Proceedings of ARM Science Team Meeting, 14-18 March 2005, Daytona Beach.

  10. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, T. L. Alberta, D. P. Kratz, L.H. Coleman, G. L. Smith, N. Manalo-Smith, and T. D. Bess, 1997: Compute Surface and Atmospheric Fluxes (System 5.0), CERES Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (PDF). 84 pp.

  11. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, D. Fillmore, and W. Collins, 2005: All-sky aerosol direct forcing to SW and LW at TOA and Surface using CERES Terra and the MATCH assimilation. Proceedings of International Radiation Symposium (IRS) 2004 , August 23-28, Busan, Korea.

  12. Charlock, T. P., and F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, Z. Jin, and S. Kato, 2006: The Global Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget: An Assessment of Accuracy With 5 Years of Calculations and Observations, Proceedings 12th Conf. on Atmos. Radiation, Madison, WI, July 10-14.

  13. Charlock, T. P., F. G. Rose, D. A. Rutan, D. P. Kratz, Z. Jin, L. H. Coleman, and Q. Fu, 2002: Relationship of Tropical Circulation and Energetics using Retrieved Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget for January-August 1998. Extended abstract for 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (AMS), 3-7 June 2002 in Ogden, Utah. See the CAVE web site.

  14. Chou, M.-D., and M. J. Suarez, 1999: A solar radiation parameterization for atmospheric studies. NASA/TM-1999-104606, Vol. 15, 40 pp.

  15. Collins, W. D., P. J. Rasch, B. E. Eaton, B. V. Khattatov, J.-F. Lamarque, and C. S. Zender, 2001: Simulating aerosols using a chemical transport model with assimilation of satellite aerosol retrievals: Methodology for INDOEX. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 7313-7336.

  16. d'Almeida, G., P. Koepke, and E. P. Shettle, 1991: Atmospheric Aerosols - Global Climatology and Radiative Characteristics. A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, Virginia. 561 pp.

  17. Dickinson, R. E., 1983: Land surface processes and climate - Surface albedos and energy balance. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 305-353.

  18. Dubovik, O., B. Holben, T. Eck, A. Smirnov, Y. Kaufman, M. King, D. Tanre, and I. Slutsker, 2002: Variability of absorption and optical properties of key aerosol types observed in worldwide locations. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 590-608.

  19. Fillmore, D. W., W. D. Collins and A. J. Conley, 2005: Aerosol direct radiative forcing - estimates from a global aerosol climatology constrained by MODIS assimilation, in preparation.

  20. Fu, Q., and K.-N. Liou, 1993: Parameterization of the radiative properties of cirrus clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 2008-2025.

  21. Fu, Q., K. Liou, M. Cribb, T. Charlock, and A Grossman, 1997: On multiple scattering in thermal infrared radiative transfer. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2799-2812.

  22. Fu, Q., W.B. Sun, and P. Yang, 1999: Modeling of scattering and absorption by nonspherical cirrus ice particles at thermal infrared wavelengths. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 2937-2947.

  23. Fuller, K. A., W. C. Malm, and S. M. Kreidenweis, 1999: Effects of mixing on extinction by carbonaceous particles. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 15,941-15,954.

  24. Haeffelin, M., S. Kato, A. M. Smith, K. Rutledge, T. Charlock, and J. R. Mahan, 2001: Determination of the thermal offset of the Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer. Appl. Opt., 40, 472-484.

  25. Hess, M., P. Koepke, and I. Schult, 1998: Optical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds: The software package OPAC. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 831-844.

  26. Holben, B. N., T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, D. Tanre, J. P. Buis, A. Setzer, E. Vermote, J. A. Reagan, Y. J. Kaufman, T. Nakajima, F. Lavenu, I. Jankowiak, and A. Smirnov, 1998: AERONET - A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization. Remote Sens. Environ., 66, 1-16.

  27. Hu, Y. X., and K. Stamnes, 1993: An accurate parameterization of the radiative properties of water clouds suitable for use in climate models. J. of Climate, 6, 728-742.

  28. Jin, Z., T. P. Charlock, and K. Rutledge, 2002: Analysis of broadband solar radiation and albedo over the ocean surface at COVE. J. Ocean. Atmos. Tech., 19, 1585-1601.

  29. Jin, Z., T. P. Charlock, W. L. Smith, Jr., and K. Rutledge, 2004: A look-up table for ocean surface albedo. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L22301.

  30. Jin, Z., and K. Stamnes, 1994: Radiative transfer in nonuniformly refracting layered media: Atmosphere-ocean system. Appl. Opt., 33, 431-442.

  31. Jin, Z., K. Stamnes, W. F. Weeks, and S. C. Tsau, 1994: The effects of sea ice on the solar energy budget in the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system: A model study. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 25,281-25,294.

  32. Kato, S., T. P. Ackerman, J. H. Mather, E. E. Clothaux, 1999: The k-distribution method and correlated-k approximation for a shortwave radiative transfer model, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer., 62, 109-121.

  33. Kato, S., T. P. Ackerman, E. E. Clothiaux, J. H. Mather, G. R. Mace, M. Wesley, F. Murcray, and J. Michalsky, 1997: Uncertainties in modeled and measured clear-sky surface shortwave irradiances. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 25,881-25,898.

  34. Kato, S., T. P. Ackerman, E. G. Dutton, N. Laulainen, and N. Larson, 1999: A comparison of modeled and measured surface shortwave irradiance for a molecular atmosphere, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer., 61, 493-502.

  35. Kato, S., F. G. Rose, and T. P. Charlock, 2005: Computation of domain-averaged irradiance using satellite-derived cloud properties. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 22b, 146-164.

  36. Kratz, D. P., and F. G. Rose, 1999: Accounting for molecular absorption within the spectral range of the CERES window channel. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 48, 83-95.

  37. Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, and C. Stevens, 2000: Warming of the world ocean. Science, 287, 2225-2228.

  38. Loeb, N.G., F. Parol, J.-C. Buriez, and C. Vanbauce, 2000: Top-of-atmosphere albedo estimation from angular distribution models using scene identification from satellite cloud property retrievals. J. Climate, 13, 1269-1285.

  39. Long, C. N., and T. P. Ackerman, 2000: Identification of clear skies from broadband pyranometer measurements and calculation of downwelling shortwave cloud effects. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15,609-15,626.

  40. Minnis, P., D. F. Young, D. P. Kratz, J. A. Coakley, Jr., M. D. King, D. P. Garber, P. W. Heck, S. Mayor, and R. F. Arduini, 1997: Cloud optical property retrieval. (System 4.3), CERES Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. 60 pp. See the CERES ATBD page.

  41. Minnis, P., D. F. Young, B. A. Wielicki, D. P. Kratz, P. W. Heck, S. Sun-Mack, Q. Z. Trepte, Y. Chen, S. L. Gibson, and R. R. Brown: 2002: Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Cloud Properties Derived from VIRS and MODIS Data. Extended abstract for 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (AMS), 3-7 June 2002 in Ogden, Utah.

  42. Ohmura, A., H. Gilgen, H. Gegner, G. Muller, M. Wild, E. G. Dutton, B. Forgan, C. Frohlich, R. Philipona, A. Heimo, G. Konig-Langlo, B. McArthur, R. Pinker, C. H. Whitlock, K. Dehne, 1998: Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN/WCRP): New precision radiometry for climate research. Bull. Amer. Meteoro. Soc., 79, 2115-2136.

  43. Rose, F. G., and T. P. Charlock, 2002: New Fu-Liou Code Tested with ARM Raman Lidar and CERES in pre-CALIPSO Exercise. Extended abstract for 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (AMS), 3-7 June 2002 in Ogden, Utah. See the CAVE web site.

  44. Rose, F. G., T. P. Charlock, Q. Fu, S. Kato, D. A. Rutan, and Z. Jin, 2006: CERES Proto-Edition 3 Radiative Transfer: Model Tests and Radiative Closure Over Surface Validation Sites, Proceedings 12th Conf. on Atmos. Radiation, Madison, WI, July 10-14.

  45. Rose, F., T. Charlock, D, Rutan, and G. L. Smith, 1997: Tests of a constrainment algorithm for the surface and atmospheric radiation budget. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Long Beach (Feb. 2-7, 1997), AMS, 466-469.

  46. Rutan, D., and T. Charlock, 1997: Spectral reflectance, directional reflectance, and broadband albedo of the Earth's surface. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Long Beach (Feb. 2-7, 1997), AMS, 466-469.

  47. Rutan, D., and T. Charlock, 1999: Land surface albedo with CERES broadband observations. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Madison WI (28 June - 2 July), 1999, AMS, 208-211.

  48. Rutan, D. A., T. P. Charlock, and F. G. Rose, 2002: Closing SW and LW Fluxes Inferred From CERES/SARB at the Top and Bottom of the Atmospheric Column. Extended abstract for 11th Conf. on Atmospheric Radiation (AMS), Ogden, Utah 3-7 June 2002. See the CAVE web site.

  49. Rutan, D. A., T. P. Charlock, F. G. Rose, S. Kato, S. Zentz, and L. Coleman, 2006: Global Surface Albedo From CERES/TERRA Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) Data Product, Proceedings 12th Conf. on Atmos. Radiation, Madison, WI, July 10-14.

  50. Rutan, D. A., F. G. Rose, N. Smith, and T. P. Charlock, 2001: Validation Data Set for CERES Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB). GEWEX News, Vol. 11, No. 1 (February), pp. 11-12. Available at the GEWEX Publications page under "Newsletter".

  51. Rutan, D. A., T. P. Charlock, F. G. Rose, and J. Madigan, 2003: Surface Albedo at ARM SGP from Helicopter Observations. Thirteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Broomfield, Colorado (30 March - 4 April, 2003). Available at the ARM web site.

  52. Rutledge, C. K., G. L. Schuster, T. P. Charlock, F. M. Denn, W. L. Smith, Jr., B. E. Fabbri, J. J. Madigan, Jr., R. J. Knapp, 2006: Offshore radiation observations for climate research at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 87, pp 1211-1222.

  53. Stokes, G. M., and S. E. Schwartz, 1994: The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) Program: Programmatic Background and Design of the Cloud and Radiation Test Bed. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 1201-1221.

  54. Su, W., T. P. Charlock, and K. Rutledge, 2001: Comparison of Observations and Theory for Ocean Surface Reflectance for ACE-Asia and COVE Site. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47).

  55. Su, W., T. P. Charlock, and K. Rutledge, 2002: Observed reflectance distribution around sun glint at CERES Ocean Validation Experiment site. J. Appl. Opt., 41, 7369-7383.

  56. Su, W., T. P. Charlock, F. G. Rose, and D. A. Rutan, 2006: Photosynthetically active radiation from CERES surface and atmospheric radiation budget. Submitted to J. Geophys. Res - Biogeosciences

  57. Tegen, I., and A. A. Lacis, 1996: Modeling of particle size distribution and its influence on the radiative properties of mineral dust aerosol. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 19,237-19,244.

  58. Wielicki, B. A., B. R. Barkstrom, E. F. Harrison, R. B. Lee, G. L. Smith, and J. E. Cooper, 1996: Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES): An Earth Observing System Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 853-868.

  59. Wilber, A. C., D. P. Kratz, and S. K. Gupta, 1999: Surface emissivity maps for use in satellite retrievals of longwave radiation, NASA TP 1999-209362, 35 pp.

  60. Yang, S.-K., S. Zhou, and A. J. Miller, 2000: SMOBA: A 3-dimensional daily ozone analysis using SBUV/2 and TOVS measurements. See Climate Prediction Center.

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