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Klaus Executive Director Privacy Leadership Initiative@@Objectives of the PLI O Consumer Education Business-to-Business Education Research and Public Surveys 6O M"(PLI MembershipAcxiom Dell Computer DoubleClick Eastman Kodak Company Experian Ford Motor Company Harris Interactive IBM Intel Kraft Foods Inc. Procter & Gamble Travelocity.com U.S. Bancorp VeriSign Visa USA Inc.Z"R q   American Association of Advertising Agencies Association of National Advertisers Direct Marketing Association Interactive Advertising Bureau Information Technology Industry Council Financial Services Roundtable Magazine Publishers of America National Association of Manufacturers >Z""""#Notices and the "Educated Consumer"$$"$Food Labels Provide the Following Information Calories Total Fat Cholesterol Sodium Total Carbohydrates Protein Percentage of various Daily Requirements0.k."k" Benefits of Education "$ Consumer Education Allows Consumers to Know Why This Information is Important Health education in school Information from physicians and health professionals Press reports Advertising Other sources6NyN x What Do We Know R The potential risk that someone might inappropriately use or share personal information given online deterred& 26% of online users from buying something from a catalog or brochure sent to your residence 18% of users from paying a restaurant bill by credit card 58% of users from purchasing anything on the Internet (or World Wide Web) with a credit card 56% of users from conducting personal banking transactions online .p:" Privacy NoticesDo not meet the needs of the real audience -- the consumer Limited to the perspective of the organization providing the notice Written to assure compliance  not necessarily to inform the consumer Often too long and written in legal terminology Do not cover the information practices of organizations to which personal data may be disclosedWZW   /Consumer Education Addresses the Bigger PictureWhat are the information practices of the industry? Where will the information go and how will it be used? What is the benefit to consumers when the information is used? How does the organization sending me a notice fit in to the picture?Z  "PLI s Big Picture The Privacy Leadership has dedicated an entire campaign to the  Big Picture Banner ad campaign 536 million impressions 400,000 unique visitors in first month Focused on core privacy issues such as security, credit card fraud and identity theft Radio ad campaign Print ad campaign www.understandingprivacy.org Consumer-oriented pamphlets and publicationsX`ZZnZ`$-2 What s NextPrivacy notices have a role in educating the consumer, but will only be effective in the context of broader consumer education efforts Privacy notices need to be shorter and concise Dual privacy notice proposals can solve the problem with notices -- if regulators will agree Business must continue and expand its efforts to educate the consumer Consumer group Web sites and education are importantZ Government has a role:(Build consumer confidence through enforcement of privacy notice claims Support industry initiatives that seek consistency in how notice is provided Recognize the role of consumer education to provide a context for privacy notices Z$+Industry Initiatives on Consumer Education ?David M. Klaus Executive Director Privacy Leadership Initiative@@x  ` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,f|?" dd@ f  " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> B(  \N 0  "  PAWhite marble"0h  s *"0  6) P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0P,   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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