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Cost-Effectiveness' Research Could Limit Patients' Access to Treatments

Posted on January 30, 2009 16:15

Topics: Expenditures | Legislation

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From the Kaiser Family Foundation:

"President Obama and House Democrats "embrace the creation of a ... 'comparative effectiveness' entity that will do research on drugs and medical devices" -- similar to the National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceAmerican Enterprise Institute, writes in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece. While Obama and House Democrats "claim that they don't want this to morph into a British-style agency that restricts access to medical products based on narrow cost criteria, ... provisions tucked into the fiscal stimulus bill betray their real intentions," according to Gottlieb."

Full story:  http://www.kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_index.cfm?DR_ID=5654

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