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IAB Social Media Ad Metrics: Definitions

May 2009 | International Ad Bureau

In an attempt to bring consistency to the measurement of social media campaigns, the Interactive Advertising Bureau has released a document detailing social media metrics and definitions.

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Twitter Tips: How and Why to Use Hashtags (#)

May 4, 2009 | CIO Inside

Hashtags, a shorthand system developed by Twitter users to help categorize Tweets, can save you time and keep your tweets organized. Here's a quick and easy guide for finding and using hashtags.

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Nine Twitter Tips for Business

May 4, 2009 | CIO Insider

Use Twitter to connect with your customers, clients, and fans in a way that you couldn't do before. Here are some tips on how to use Twitter effectively--and a few cautions, as well.

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Agencies Used Social Media to Manage Samonella Outbreak

February 9, 2009 | Gautham Nagesh,

Federal health agencies relied heavily on social media to inform the public about the recent outbreak of samonella tainted peanut butter, possibly reducing the number of deaths and injuries caused by the illness according to health officials.

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Agencies Embrace Web 2.0

April 29, 2008 | Max Cacas, Federal News Radio

The same technologies that make "Facebook" and "Wikipedia" possible are being used to help members of several agencies share information.

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