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Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-A spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008.<p><p>The frames labeled Shot1NL, as well as the mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 files, have no labels.   10418   STEREO Reveals the Anatomy of a Solar Storm in 3-D
Beauty pass of the NOAA-N Prime satellite.   10373   NOAA-N Prime Beauty Shot Animation
Meet the major U.S. players behind the GLAST mission. <p> <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode5.htm'>here</a>.   10325   GLASTcast Episode 5: Meet the U.S. Team
The hopes and anticipations of the GLAST team as they prepare for launch. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode4_transcript.htm'>here</a>.   10324   GLASTcast Episode 4: Launching a Spacecraft
NASA's Swift and GLAST satellites will work together to better understand the high energy universe. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode3.htm'>here</a>.   10323   GLASTCast Episode 3 - Swift and GLAST
Selected soundbites with Steve Ritz, GLAST Project Scientist (NASA/GSFC)   10322   GLAST Soundbites
<b>1. Hubble Space Telescope Service Mission 4 Animation:</b> A collection of several animations showing the Hubble Space Telescope orbiting Earth and in space shuttle Atlantis cargo bay. All animations depict the Hubble Space Telescope in its current (July 2008) configuration.   10321   HST SM4 Resource Reel v2.0
print1   10320   AIM - Print Still Images - Wallpaper
<b> 1. Hubble Space Telescope Service Mission 4 Animation: </b> A collection of several animations showing the Hubble Space Telescope orbiting Earth and in space shuttle Atlantis cargo bay. All animations depict the Hubble Space Telescope in its current (July 2008) configuration.   10318   HST SM4 Extended Resource Reel v2.0
Print 1   10317   Aura - Print Still Images - Wallpaper
Print 1   10316   Calipso - Print Still Images - Wallpaper
  10315   Cloudsat - Prints Still Images - Wallpaper
Lisa - 3 satellites in orbit   10314   Lisa - Print Still Image - Wallpaper
Print1   10313   GLAST - Print Still Images - Wallpaper
A step by step walkthrough of the Boomerang mission from launch to return of the sample capsule   10312   LEX / Boomerang Mission
  10311   Spartan 201
QUIKToms in orbit   10310   QUIKToms Spacecraft
NGTDRS in orbit   10309   Next Generation TDRS Spacecraft
WMAP heading away from Earth   10308   WMAP Spacecraft
Polar Spacecraft in orbit   10307   POLAR Spacecraft in orbit
RHESSI over Earth   10306   RHESSI Spacecraft
Gro burns up   10305   Gamma Ray Observatory - Atmospheric Burnup
EO-1 Overhead View   10304   EO-1 Spacecraft
Lunar Eclipse   10303   Lunar Eclipse
Chipsat passes along the equator   10302   Chipsat Spacecraft
Ace Spacecraft   10301   ACE - shockwave
Close in as a Neutron Star emits a Gamma Ray Burst.   10300   Neutron Stars - A Closer Perspective:
a 360 degree tour around the Solar-B spacecraft as it hangs above the Earth   10299   Solar - B (Hinode) Spacecraft
Swift leaves the darkness, camera zooms in to catch the spacecraft crossing Earth.   10298   Swift Spacecraft Animations
This animation shows the changing habitable zone as the sun expands to become a Red Giant.   10297   Red Giant Sun
Poes spacecraft over Earth   10296   NOAA / POES Spacecraft Animations
  10295   Magnetic Fields on Mars
HST Looks at the Moon   10294   HST - A Look At The Moon
GPM crossing the globe as it passes out of darkness   10293   Global Precpitation Monitoring (GPM) Spacecraft
Goes in geostationary orbit over the Earth   10292   GOES-M
A single Constellation X spacecraft joins the other three in search of black holes.   10291   Constellation X Spacecraft
Cloudsat traversing Earth   10290   Cloudsat
This animation shows the Argo probe on the ocean surface as it relays information. It then decends below the surface to collect additional data.   10286   Argo Instrument Animations
Calipso in orbit over Earth   10285   Calipso Spacecraft Animation
Aquarius Beauty Shot 1   10284   Aquarius
Electromagnetic Spectrum   10282   Electromagnetic Spectrum
This animation follows LRO as it moves along its orbit high above the lunar surface.   10281   LRO Tracking (version 2)
Here we follow LRO as it moves along it's orbit high above the lunar surface.   10280   LRO Tracking (version 1)
A 720 degree spin of LRO with labels on the 6 major instruments and Mini-RF technology demonstration.   10279   LRO Spin (instruments labeled)
This is the opening title sequence for LRO videos.   10278   LRO Title Sequence
This animated sequence takes a view from inside a large crater as LRO passes overhead.   10277   LRO Moonview
We get a view from inside the Lambert crater (using a topological DEM model) as LRO passes overhead.   10276   LRO Lambert Crater
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater.   10275   LRO Follow Over Crater (version 2)
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater.   10274   LRO Follow Over Crater (version 1)
The LRO spacecraft traverses from darkness into daylight.   10273   LRO Distant
This animation is a close-up view highlighting spacecraft instrumentation - pulling away to reveal LRO's track over the moon.   10272   LRO Over Moon
THEMIS reconnection animation   10267   THEMIS Sees Magnetic Reconnection
LRO from the Earth to the Moon   10265   LRO from Earth
Gamma Ray Burst   10245   Gamma Ray Burst
Total Solar Eclipse
  10219   Total Solar Eclipse
August 01, 2008, Total Solar Eclipse path.   10218   August 1, 2008 Total Solar Eclipse Umbral and Pemumbral Paths
This animation shows gamma-rays from a pulsar   10205   Gamma Rays in Pulsars
AGN animation   10200   Gamma Rays in Active Galactic Nuclei
Journey to the Heliosphere   10193   Journey to the Heliopause II
Solar cycle
  10185   Solar Cycle (High Definition)
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 headed on different paths out of the Solar System toward interstellar space.  Traveling at different speeds and in different directions, Voyager 1 encountered the termination shock at 94 astronomical units (AU) and Voyager 2 encountered it at only 84 AU.  The result, as seen in this combination of an artist's concept and a researcher's model, is a somewhat 'squashed' picture of the solar system.   10181   Voyager 2 Proves Solar System is Squashed
IBEX Beauty pass one   10180   Interstellar Boundry Explorer (IBEX)
Voyager II animation
  10179   Voyager II
JWST animation   10178   JWST
Comet Encke   10177   Comet Encke dataset from STEREO
Closeup of Comet Encke
  10176   Closeup of Comet Encke from STEREO
Comet Encke and Solar magnetic Fields   10175   Comet Encke tail stripped away by a CME
Solar Energetic particles   10174   Solar Energetic Particles and CMEs
  10173   Martian Magnetic Fields
This animation begins with a Delta rocket launch. Once the vehicle reaches orbit, the satellite deploys into its final configuration.   10168   GLAST Launch and Deployment
This animation shows a gamma ray (purple) entering a corner tower of the Tracker. After the electron (red) and positron (blue) cascade down the tower, their incoming paths (red/blue) combine to show the original path (purple) of the incoming gamma ray that created them.   10167   GLAST's LAT Instrument
This  beauty shot shows an over-the-shoulder view of the spacecraft.   10166   GLAST's New Window on the Universe
This beauty shot provides a 360-degree view of the spacecraft without a simulated gamma ray sky.   10164   360 Degrees of GLAST
This beauty shot begins with the earth in full view and pans to reveal the spacecraft in orbit.   10163   The GLAST Spacecraft in Orbit
This animation shows SDO coming out of the darkness.   10162   The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Comet Encke being hit by CME   10161   Comet Encke hit by CME
This is a conceptual animation showing how polar ice reflects light from the sun.  As this ice begins to melt, less sunlight gets reflected into space.  It is instead absorbed into the oceans and land, raising the overall temperature, and fueling further melting.   10160   Global Ice Albedo ALTERNATE
Comet Encke visualization from STEREO with a Black/Grey background.   10159   Comet Encke collides with a CME
This animation illustrates the effects of increased greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere.
  10156   Greenhouse Gases Effect on Global Warming
This animation shows a high-energy photon (blue coil) colliding with a free electron (red ball), which causes the release of a gamma-ray (purple flash).   10155   Gamma Ray Creation
This animation illustrates how dust particles with ice crystals form mesospheric clouds.   10154   Cosmic Dust Experiment and Cloud Formation
Greenland Accerating Ice Sheet animation.   10153   Accelerating Ice Sheet
This animation illustrates a cutaway of the high altitude accumulation zones and low altitude melt zones.   10152   Greenland Ice Mass Balance
11 year Solar cycle animation.   10151   Solar Cycle (Standard Definition)
Galaxy zoom
  10150   Milkyway Galaxy zoom
Heliopause movie
  10149   Journey to the Heliopause
Beauty Shot 2   10148   AIM Spacecraft Deployment
This animation illustrates the science objectives of the SOFIE instrument studied by the Aeromony of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) spacecraft.
  10115   AIM SOFIE and Cloud Composition
How do the STEREO spacecraft make 3D images?   10113   What is 3D?
Left Camera   10112   STEREO Fly-by
3-D Anaglyph   10111   Tour of the Magnetsphere in 3D
3-D Anaglyph Reconnection animation   10110   Magnetic Reconnection 2
This animation illustrates the dynamics of the network of subglacial lakes far beneath the ice streams of Antarctica.   10108   Antarctic Sub-glacial Lakes
Solar Wind   10106   Proton Aurora
Animation of MMS mission orbital path.   10105   MMS orbit animation
  10104   Substorms
Themis launching aboard Delta II   10103   THEMIS Launch and Deployment
This animation illustrates the properties of water vapor as it relates to Earth's solar energy budget.  Water Vapor absorbs heat from the sun then radiates it back down to the surface of the Earth as well as out to space.   10102   Earth's Energy Budget: Water Vapor
This animation illustrates the role of reflectance and adsorption that Earth's water and land surfaces play in the solar energy budget.   10101   Earth's Energy Budget: Land
This animation shows the global view of the Earth's solar energy budget.   10100   Earth's Energy Budget Global View
This animation illustrates a close up view of Earth's incoming solar energy budget.   10099   Earth's Energy Budget Breakout
This animation illustrates a fire starting from dropped Tamarisk leaves.   10098   Invasive Species: Tamarisk and Fire Sprouts
This animation illustrates how salt is collected through the Tamarisk's root system and then falls back to the surface of the soil.   10097   Invasive Species: Tamarisk and Salt
This animation illustrates the root system of the invasive Tamarisk verses that of a native tree.   10096   Invasive Species: Tamarisk's Use of Water
  10095   ST-5
The five THEMIS spacecraft in orbit around the Earth   10094   THEMIS Beauty Pass
This animation focuses on the abnormal fresh surface water condition of high latitude convection present in the ocean circulation conveyor belt.   10093   Ocean Convection at High Altitudes - Fresh Condition
This animation focuses on the normal condition of high latitutde convention present in the ocean circulation conveyor belt.   10092   Ocean Convection at High Altitudes - Normal Condition
This animation visually describes how CloudSat and CALIPSO data slices can augment the study of meteorology.   10091   Weather: CloudSat and CALIPSO Help the Study of Meteorology
This animation illustrates how CALIPSO captures data to study the nature of the atmosphere.   10090   CALIPSO Science Objectives Animation
This is an illustration of CloudSat science measurements of clouds' vertical structure, liquid water and ice quantities, as well as clouds' effect on Earth's energy budget.   10089   CloudSat Science Objectives Animation
High resolution print still that illustrates the measurement determining the geoid.   10088   Geodesy
This animation shows four major steps to purifying landfill gas for use as fuel for Goddard Space Flight Center.   10087   NASA Warms Up to Maryland's Trash
This animation provides an illustration of the landfill methane collection process.   10086   NASA Warms Up to Maryland's Trash
This movie illustrates methane's connection to global warming.   10085   Methane's Connection to Global Warming
This animation illustrates Neutron star SGR 1806-20 which  produced a gamma ray flare that disrupted Earth's ionosphere.   10084   Cosmic Explosion Second Only to the Sun in Brightness
A close-up view of the SORCE satellite in orbit.   10080   SORCE Beauty Pass
The sun surface in motion.  Large cell-like features on the Sun called supergranules are seen as white stripes.   10079   Wave
Electrons travel along the magnetic field lines to the Earth's atmosphere.   10078   Ride the Electron
Electrons collide with atoms sending them into radiative states.   10077   Auroral Elements
This movie illustrates how the Solar wind contributes to leakage of oxygen from the Earth through the Earth's magnetic field.   10076   Magnetic Fields
The shadow of the Moon projects on the Earth as a dark penumbra and an even darker umbra.   10075   June 2002 Eclipse path
Magnetic field lines poke through the solar surface, producing sunspots and occasionally flares.   10074   Under the Sunspots
The wind from the Sun impacts the Earth's magnetic field.   10072   Magnetic Reconnection
Closeup view of Earths magnetic fields   10071   View of the Earth's Magnetic Field
A bright solar flare...   10070   Cannibal CME
  10068   Cutaway View of the Earth's Radiation Belts
  10067   Lightning Makes a Safe Zone in the Earth's Radiation Belts
  10066   Model for Coronal Mass Ejections
Changing seasons as the Earth orbits.   10065   Changing Solar Insolation
  10064   STEREO Watches the Active Sun
  10063   STEREO Enroute: Earth Flyby
  10062   STEREO Spacecraft Beauty-Pass
  10061   STEREO Enroute: The Lunar Flyby
  10060   STEREO On-Station
View the impact of a coronal mass ejection against the Earth's magnetic field.   10059   A CME Generates Reconnection in Earth's Magnetic Field
View of the Earth's geomagnetic field and following the electrons down to the aurora formation.   10058   Earth's Magnetic Field to Aurora
This is the standard definition version of the Mississippi River Water Basin animation MPWG.   10057   Mississippi River Watershed
Dead zones are areas of water so devoid of oxygen that sea life cannot live there. If phytoplankton productivity is enhanced by fertilizers or other nutrients, more organic matter is produced at the surface of the ocean. The organic matter sinks to the bottom, where bacteria break it down and release carbon dioxide. Bacteria thrives off excessive organic matter and absorb oxygen, the same oxygen that fish, crabs and other sea creatures rely on for life.   10056   Dead Zones
This animation illustrates the Aerosonde, and unmanned aircraft system, flying into a hurricane.   10055   Unmaned Aerosonde Braves Hurricane Winds
This is the standard definition version of the Large Raindrop animation MPEG.   10054   Raindrop Acoustics
This is the standard definition version of the Medium Raindrop animation MPEG.   10053   Raindrop Acoustics
This is the standard definition version of the Small Raindrop animation MPEG.   10052   Raindrop Acoustics
This is the standard definition version of the Hurricane Heat Engine - Cloud Growth animation MPEG.   10051   Hurricane Heat Engine
This is the standard definition version of the Hurricane Heat Engine - Molecular View animation MPEG.   10050   Hurricane Heat Engine
This is the standard definition version of the Hurricane Heat Engine - Cutaway animation MPEG.   10049   Hurricane Heat Engine
This is the standard definition version of the La Nina Retreat animation MPEG.   10048   La Nina Retreat
This is the standard definition version of the El Nino Hurricane Connection animation MPEG.   10047   El Nino Hurricane Connection
This is the standard definition version of the Indecisive El Nino animation MPEG.   10046   Indecisive El Nino
View of the Solar System, showing the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn   10045   Coronal Mass Ejections Blast their Way Through the Solar System
CME passing Voyager   10044   Voyager Meets a Coronal Mass Ejection
A close-up view of the Venus transit.   10043   Conceptual Venus Transit
  10042   From Venus to Venus Transit
  10041   A Solar Tsunami
'Beauty Pass' of Solar Dynamics Observatory on-station.   10040   Solar Dynamics Observatory On-Station
Movie of solar protons breaching the magnetic shield through the reconnection event.   10039   Proton Aurora Forms from Reconnection Event
Movie showing IMAGE and Cluster in position for the event.   10038   IMAGE and Cluster View Magnetic Reconnection
  10037   Coronal Mass Ejections Reach the Heliopause
RHESSI observes a gamma-ray burst   10036   RHESSI Sees a Gamma-Ray Burst
Movie of simplified solar flare model   10035   Simplified Model for a Solar Flare
This is the standard definition version of the Dust Storm animaiton MPEG.   10034   NASA Explains 'Dust Bowl' Drought
This is the high resolution still illustrating abnormal climate during Dust Bowl in the 1930's.   10033   NASA Explains 'Dust Bowl' Drought
This is the high resolution still of the precipitation indicated by the model.   10032   NASA Explains 'Dust Bowl' Drought
The water circulation in the Atlantic Ocean.   10031   Ocean Circulation Conveyor Belt Helps Balance Climate
This is the standard definition version of the Cold Water Upwelling Promotes Phytoplankton Blooms animation MPEG.   10030   Cold Water Upwelling Promotes Phytoplankton Blooms
  10029   Venus Transit 2004
This is the standard definition version of the Dust, Soot, Fire Inhibits Rainfall Animaiton.   10027   Dust, Fire, Soot Inhibits Rainfall
This is the standard definition version MPEG of the ICEsat Data Accumulation Animation.   10025   ICEsat Data Accumulation Animation
This is the standard definition version MPEG of the Ice Albedo (soot case) Animation.   10023   Ice Albedo: Black Soot and Snow
This is the standard definition version MPEG of the Ice Albedo(clean ice case) Animation.   10022   Ice Albedo: Bright White Reflects Light
This is the high definition version of the Ice Albedo-Global animation MPEG.   10021   Ice Albedo - Global View
This is the standard definition version of the Ice Albedo-Close Up animation MPEG.   10020   Ice Albedo-Close Up
This is the standard definition version of the Cold Water Upwelling animation MPEG.   10019   Cold Water Upwelling
This is the standard definition version of the Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer animation MPEG.   10018   E01 - Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer
This is the standard definition version of the Water Vapor animation MPEG.   10017   Aqua Mission Science Objectives
This is the standard definition version of the Water Cycle animation MPEG.   10016   Aqua Mission Science Objectives
This is the standard definition version of the Earth's Atmosphere Layers - Global MPEG.   10015   Earth's Atmosphere Layers: Global View
This is the standard definition version of the Earth's Atmosphere Layers - Fly Through animation MPEG.   10014   Earth's Atmosphere Layers
This is the standard definition version of the Urban Rainfall Effect on Coastal Cities animation MPEG.   10013   Urban Rainfall Effect on Coastal Cities
This animation shows summer precipitation without the effects of pollution.   10012   Pollution Increases Summer Precipitation
This animation shows what winter precipitation is like when pollution is not involved.   10011   Pollution Reduces Winter Precipitation
This is the standard definition version of the Particulates Effect on Rainfall animation MPEG.   10010   Particulates Effect on Rainfall
This is the standard definition version of the Dropsonde Hurricane MPEG.   10009   Dropsonde Hurricane Sensor
Traveling Dust Animation  -  The dust comes every year during northern Africa's dry season, when storm activity in the Sahara Desert and Sahel generate clouds of dust.  The dust originating from fine particles in the arid topsoil is transported into the atmosphere by winds and may be carried in excess of 10,000 feet high into the atmosphere by easterly trade winds. Typically, it takes one to two weeks for the dust clouds to cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach the continental United States..
This animation illustrates microbes hitching  rides across the Atlantic in the highly irregular nooks and crannies  found in the surfaces of dust particles and how they are transported  across the Atlantic Ocean.   10008   Microbes Hitch Ride on African Dust
This is the standard definition version of the Carbon Cycle (Ocean case) animation MPEG.   10007   Carbon Cycle
This is the standard definition version of the Carbon Cycle Land animation MPEG.   10006   Carbon Cycle
This is the standard definition version of the Arctic Vortex animation MPEG.   10005   Arctic Vortex
This is the standard definition version of the SUV Rollover animation MPEG.   10004   SUV Rollovers: Center of Gravity
This is the standard definition version of the Soot Effects Rainfall animation MPEG.   10003   Soot Effects Rainfall
This is the standard definition version of the Noctilucent Cloud animation.   10002   Noctilucent Cloud Animation
This is the standard definition version of the Senor Web: Smart Satellites animation MPEG.   10001   Sensor Web: Smart Satellites

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