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Speier bill establishes Women's Commission

WASHINGTON - On the ninety-second anniversary of Jeanette Rankin being sworn in as the first female Member of Congress, Congresswoman Jackie Speier introduced a bill today to establish a Presidential Commission on Women.

"Despite advances in the lives and livelihoods of women since Ms. Rankin took her oath of office, their remains in our society many forms of subtle but insidious discrimination,” Congresswoman Speier said.  “The issues that affect us all - poverty; violence; inequities in healthcare, housing and employment - are still shouldered disproportionately by women.  A Presidential Commission on Women will be able to examine these and other issues in a thorough, rational and bipartisan manner and help illuminate a path toward a brighter and more equitable future.”   

HR 1887 would establish a 15 member non-salaried Commission on Women charged with examining “the circumstances that contribute to discrimination, inequality and economic hardship faced by women throughout the country” and establishing “initiatives and programs that promote equality for women, and protect against discrimination of women, in all areas of public and private life.”  

The bill was introduced with 26 original co-sponsors.  In addition, more than 60 women’s organizations have endorsed the bill.