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Mission - Biographies

Meet the members of the Deep Impact mission team. Many people from different kinds of careers make up a mission team. Learn about how they decided they wanted a career in space and what they like to do when they aren't working on the Deep Impact Mission.

Michael F. A'Hearn
Rick Grammier
Up Close and Personal with Science Team Members:
Michael J. S. Belton
Michael J. S. Belton
Belton Space Exploration Initiatives
Mike's Bio
Up Close and Personal
Lori Feaga
Oliver Groussin
Lucy McFadden
Lucy McFadden
Co-Investigator, University of Maryland
Lucy's Bio
Up Close and Personal
Karen Meech
Karen Meech
Co-Investigator, University of Hawaii
Karen's Bio
Up Close and Personal
Peter Schultz
Jessica M. Sunshine
Dennis Wellnitz
More Science Team Members:
Alan Delamere, BATC
Jochen Kissel, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
Kenneth P. Klaasen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Karen J. Meech, University of Hawaii
H. Jay Melosh, University of Arizona
Peter H. Schultz, Brown University
Peter C. Thomas, Cornell University
Joseph Veverka, Cornell University
Donald K. Yeomans, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Up Close and Personal with JPL Team Members:
Steve Collins
Steve Collins
Attitude Control Engineer
Anne Elson
Anne Elson
Flight System Impact Contingency Developer
Greg Horvath
Greg Horvath
Flight Software
Kavita Kaur
Kavita Kaur
Software Stress Tester
Leticia Montanez
Leticia Montanez
Flight Software
Jennifer Rocca
Jennifer Rocca
Launch Activity Lead
Felicia Sanders
Felicia Sanders
Ground Systems Telemetry Engineer
Dave Spencer
Dave Spencer
Mission Manager
Steve Wissler
Steve Wissler
Mission Operations Systems Engineer and Encounter Flight Director for the Flyby Spacecraft
Up Close and Personal with UMD Team Members:
Lori Feaga
Lori Feaga
Science Team Member
Oliver Groussin
Oliver Groussin
Science Team Member
Casey Lisse
Casey Lisse
Instrument Scientist
Lucy McFadden
Maura Rountree-Brown
Maura Rountree-Brown
Education and Public Outreach Lead
Elizabeth Warner
Elizabeth Warner
Liaison to Amateur Astronomers
Dennis Wellnitz
Dennis Wellnitz
Science Team Member
Up Close and Personal with Ball Aerospace Team Members:
Sheryl Atterberg
Sheryl Atterberg
Systems Design Engineer
Thomas Bank
Thomas Bank
Systems Engineer
Bill Frazier
Bill Frazier
Flight System Engineer
Don Hampton
Don Hampton
Systems Engineer
Monte Henderson
Monte Henderson
Deputy Project Manager
Lorna Hess-Frey
Lorna Hess-Frey
Flyby Structures & Mechanisms Lead
Marty Huisjen
Marty Huisjen
Instrument Technical Manager
Harold Montoya
Harold Montoya
Flight System Manager
David J. Wilson
David J. Wilson
Impactor IPT Lead
John Marriott
Up Close and Personal with the Deep Impact Community Team:
Jessica Chavez
Jessica Chavez
Intern, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Julia DeMarines
Julia DeMarines
Intern, University of Maryland
Jean Hamai
Jean Hamai
TOPS Teacher
David Martin
David Martin
Cynthia Rich
Cynthia Rich
Intern, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor
Intern, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Deep Impact Launch Team:
Omar Baez - NASA Launch Manager
Darren Bedell - NASA Chief Engineer
Mike Stelzer - Mission Integration Manager
Bert Garrido - Safety & Mission Assurance Manager
Joe Lackovich - NASA Advisory Manager
Guest Contributors:
Ray Brown - Science Writer, University of Maryland
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