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Medicaid Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:33

Topics: Health Care Financing | Medicaid

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From The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare:

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), signed into law on February 16, 2009, contains provisions that provide $87 billion to increase the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) over the next two years and extends or creates moratoria on several Medicaid regulations – including the targeted case management and outpatient clinic services rules. In addition, the ARRA provides clear Congressional support for the repeal of the draft regulation on Medicaid rehabilitative services. The following summary describes these provisions in detail.

Full Report: Medicaid Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

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Behavioral Health Parity: Mental Health and Addiction Providers Impact Statement & Call to Action

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:25

Topics: Mental Health | Parity | Substance Use

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This report provides an overview of the recently passed parity legislation and looks at "impact zones" for providers, the public, and policy makers.

Full Report: Behavioral Health Parity: Mental Health and Addiction Providers Impact Statement & Call to Action (pdf)

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Data from statehealthfacts.org: Physician Assistants

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:22

Topics: Managed Care | State Data

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From statehealthfacts.org:

The estimated number of physician assistants in clinical practice and the estimated rate of physician assistants per 100,000 population as of December 31, 2008 is now available from the American Academy of Physician Assistants for all states and the nation.

Data available at: Physician Assistants

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Data from statehealthfacts.org: Temporary Federal Medicaid Relief under ARRA

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:20

Topics: Health Care Financing | Medicaid | State Data

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From statehealthfacts.org:

New Medicaid funding information from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has been added for all states and the nation. Estimated temporary federal allocations to the states for Medicaid costs from October 2008 through March 2009 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 are now available, together with the total estimated federal ARRA allocations to each state for Medicaid over the entire period covered by ARRA (through December 2010).

Data available at: Temporary Federal Medicaid Relief under ARRA

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Data from statehealthfacts.org: Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:18

Topics: Health Care Financing | Medicaid | State Data

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From statehealthfacts.org:

New data from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on CHIP enrollment and federal allotments have been added and are available for all states and the nation. The distribution of enrollment in CHIP by family income level for FY 2008 is available for all states. Projected federal CHIP allotments under the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA 2009) for FY 2009 are also available for all states and the nation.

Data available at: Children’s Health Insurance Program

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Data from statehealthfacts.org: State Budgets

Posted on March 26, 2009 15:07

Topics: Expenditures | Health Care Financing | Medicaid | State Data

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From statehealthfacts.org:

The most recent data on total state spending from the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) are now available for state fiscal year (SFY) 2007. SFY 2007 data are also available for per capita spending and the distribution of general fund spending, including Medicaid’s share of general fund spending.

Data available at: State Budgets

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