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Rural Health Outreach Grant Program

Purpose of the Program
The purpose of the Outreach program, authorized by Section 330A (e) of the Public Health Service Act, is “to promote rural health care services outreach by expanding the delivery of health care services to include new and enhanced services in rural areas.”

The Outreach program supports projects that demonstrate creative or effective models of outreach and service delivery in rural communities. Applicants may propose projects to address the needs of a wide range of population groups including, but not limited to, low-income populations, the elderly, pregnant women, infants, adolescents, rural minority populations and rural populations with special health care needs. All projects should be responsive to any unique cultural, social, religious, and linguistic needs of the target population.

Program Overview
The Office of Rural Health Policy's Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program encourages the development of new and innovative health care delivery systems in rural communities that lack essential health care services. The emphasis of this grant program is on service delivery through collaboration, requiring the grantee to form a consortium with at least two additional partners. The community being served must be involved in the development and ongoing operations of the program, to appropriately address the needs of the population. Programs funded have varied greatly and have brought care that would not otherwise have been available to at least two million rural citizens across the country. Through consortia of local providers and others, rural communities have managed to provide services such as hospice, dental care for children, and prenatal care in many remote areas.

To be eligible, the grant recipient's organizational headquarters must be a rural public or rural nonprofit private entity and must be located in a rural county or in a rural census tract of an urban county. All of the proposed services must be provided in a rural county or census tract. Exceptions to this are 330(g) Migrant Health Clinics who exclusively provide services to migrant and seasonal farm workers in rural areas or a Federally recognized Native American Tribal Government providing all of the proposed services on Federally-recognized Tribal land.

The Office of Rural Health Policy's Outreach Grant Program is designed to encourage the development of new and innovative health care delivery systems in rural communities that lack essential health care services. The emphasis of this grant program is on service delivery through creative strategies requiring the grantee to form a network with at least two additional partners. Programs funded have varied greatly, and have brought care that would not otherwise have been available to at least 2 million rural citizens across the country. Through consortia of schools, churches, emergency medical service providers, local universities, private practitioners and the like, rural communities have managed to create hospice care, bring health check-ups to children and provide prenatal care to women in remote areas. To be eligible the grant recipient's Headquarters must be public or nonprofit private entity and be located in a designated rural county, or exclusively provide services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers in rural areas, or be a Native American Tribal or quasi-tribal entity. See Geographic Eligibility for Rural Health Grant Programs for more information.

Alphabetized by state, the directory includes a list of all the current Outreach grantees, a project description, their approved funding amount and the contact information for the project director. "



    History of the Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program  
    Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Sourcebooks  
    Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grantees, 2007  
    Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grantee Directory, 2006  
Guidance Information
  State Single Point of Contact Listing, OMB  
Public Health Service Grant Application Form PHS 5161
pdf 746KB
List of Eligible Areas
pdf 111KB