Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

King Street Center
201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
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Metro Rideshare Operations

Sharing the ride to work or school is a smart transportation choice. King County Metro Rideshare Operations provides various services to help you start pooling and to support your commuter pool.

Ridematch - is a free online self-serve ridematching service that -- in a matter of minutes, day or night -- helps you find others who want to carpool or vanpool and have a similar commute.

VanPool - Metro manages the largest publicly owned and operated commuter van program in the nation, providing vans and everything else required to operate them.

VanShare - the missing link, bridging the gap between you and transit, ferry and Sounder train service with commuter vans just for these connections.

Contact Metro Rideshare Operations: (e-mail), 206-625-4500 (voice), 1-800-427-8249 (toll free) or TTY Relay 1-800-833-6388, 206-684-2166 (fax), M.S. YES-TR-0700, 400 Yesler Wy, Seattle, WA 98104-2683 (mail).