Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

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Commuter Bonus Voucher Program

How does an employer buy Commuter Vouchers for employees?

New customers may order vouchers only through December 31, 2008. Watch for the replacement E-vouchers with the ORCA smart card in early 2009. Current voucher customers can continue ordering Commuter Bonus vouchers until ORCA E-vouchers are available.

If you are a current voucher customer accustomed to using this online order form [.PDF 6 kb] it will be available for your use for a short time. Please send the order form via regular mail with your company check for the full value of vouchers ordered. Make sure to allow for a processing time of 10 working days.

If your web browser does not have a viewer defined for .PDF formatted files, please download the appropriate reader [external link], courtesy of Adobe.

If your company is looking for options for providing a commute benefit, please review the Pass Sales page. Retail passes and ticket books are available for you to order now. The Tax Benefits page has information about providing a benefit using passes and ticketbooks.

For additional assistance fill out the company information form or contact Employer Services by e-mail or by phone 206-263-3444.