Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

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201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
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Bus Time 206-287-8463

When you want fast answers to questions about bus departures from your bus stop, call Bus Time.

What is Bus Time?

Bus Time is Metro's automated schedule information service. Bus Time provides schedule information for up to four bus routes per phone call...whether it's for a trip you plan to take today or for any day up to one week in advance. Bus Time operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How to use Bus Time

Just dial the words B U S - T I M E (206-287-8463) from your touch-tone phone and respond to the menu choices you hear. Immediately you will have access to fast, accurate bus schedule information.

When you dial into Bus Time, you will be assisted by a series of helpful prompts. Listen closely and simply follow the menu options provided. Bus Time will prompt you for your bus route number, direction of travel and the location you are starting from. You will be given a Bus Stop Number and schedules specific to your desired route and stop. You may want to jot down your bus stop number for future use.

If you wish to speak with someone in person, just press "0" at any prompt, and Bus Time will link you to Metro's Rider Information line for assistance.