Selection Process

All complete and eligible applications are reviewed by an independent selection committee of past Udall Fellows and PhDs in the fields of environmental policy and/or environmental conflict resolution.

While scholarly excellence is of prime importance in selection of fellows, the Foundation is also seeking to identify individuals who have a demonstrated commitment to environmental public policy and/or environmental conflict resolution, and who have the potential to make a significant impact in the real world.

Fellows will be selected on the basis of:

  • Commitment to national environmental public policy or environmental conflict resolution, as demonstrated through coursework, teaching experience, public and community service, field work, and career aspirations;
  • Quality of the dissertation project: project design, feasibility, originality, and scholarly significance;
  • Potential of applicant to make a significant contribution to the field;
  • Scholarly excellence;
  • The essay: quality of writing and critical analysis.

Cross or interdisciplinary projects are particularly welcome.