Guidance for Applicants

Udall Fellowship applications are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 in four principal categories:

Demonstrated, sustained commitment to national environmental policy or environmental conflict resolution through:

  • Career goal and professional aspirations;
  • Teaching experience and/or coursework;
  • Research/field work;
  • Public and community service.

Project Description/Design
The dissertation topic is relevant, significant and makes original contribution to discipline or field of study.

  • Project is well-designed and significant in scope and execution.
  • Proposed timeline for completion is feasible and applicant will in all likelihood be able to complete and defend the dissertation by June 30, 2011.

Academic Achievement and Potential
The applicant has demonstrated scholarly excellence through:

  • Challenging coursework;
  • Recognition from faculty, institution, and/or national honors/awards;
  • Presentations and publications.

The essay demonstrates:

  • A sophisticated understanding of environmental policy and Congressman Udall's environmental legacy;
  • Is exceptionally well written.

Please note: While scholarly excellence is of prime importance in selection of fellows, the Foundation is also seeking to identify individuals who have a demonstrated commitment to environmental public policy and/or environmental conflict resolution, and who have the potential to make a significant impact in the real world.