
The dissertation fellowship is intended to offset a scholar's living expenses while he or she focuses on completing the dissertation, and must be used during the final year of writing the dissertation. It is anticipated that the doctoral degree will be received at the end of the fellowship year, and a copy of the dissertation remitted to the Foundation.

The Foundation regards the acceptance of a fellowship as a contract that requires fulfillment of the following terms:

1) A Udall Dissertation Fellow is required to pursue his or her project full time during the fellowship year, July 1 - June 30. No partial fellowships are awarded.

2) Any significant changes in plans for the fellowship year must have the prior written approval of the Foundation.

3) The Foundation must be notified promptly of any change in the status of an application resulting from acceptance of another award.

4) Stipend checks are made payable to fellows, not to institutions.

5) Dissertation fellowships fund living and educational expenses for a period of twelve months while a fellow pursues full-time writing of the dissertation. Acceptance of any concurrent funds must have prior approval of the Foundation.

Fellowships do not fund:

  • research assistants
  • field research
  • laboratory supplies and equipment
  • purchase of computer equipment
  • publication costs
  • travel to professional meetings, conferences, or seminars
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations (Fellowships are not retroactive.)
  • tuition for a dependent's education