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Recreational Fisheries Strategic Plan

On February 17, 2005, NOAA released its new Vision for Marine Recreational Fisheries. With an emphasis on partnerships and deliverable outcomes, the strategic plan charts a course for NOAA's activities in science, management and outreach. On a more fundamental level, the effort signals a renewed commitment from NOAA to work cooperatively with the angling community to make fishing better.

This new philosophy was reflected in the development of the plan. A cross agency NOAA team worked with anglers from across the country to create a plan that was responsive to the needs of the fishing and management communities. Throughout the later half of 2004, NOAA met formally and informally with anglers across the country to solicit input. Summaries of these constituent sessions are available here. The result of this collaborative effort is a plan that both NOAA and the sportfishing community can stand behind.

Executive Order 12962 - Recreational Fisheries was issued on June 7, 1995, and serves as the basis for many of the Agency recreational fishing related initiatives. An Amendment to the Executive Order was issued on September 26, 2008, to address the management of recreational fisheries by key Federal Agencies in marine protected areas.

Next Steps

The next step is to develop regional specific actions that fit within the broad framework outlined in the strategic plan. Again, NOAA will look to the community for help. In the coming months, NOAA will begin pulling together partners to design strategies to implement measures of the plan. These regular public meetings offer anglers, states, and other parties involved with sportfishing the opportunity to become involved in our process of establishing priorities, outcomes, budgets, and timelines. Check back for more information on meetings in your region.

To collect input, NOAA and its partners are planning a series of regional constituent sessions where concerned stakeholders can share their ideas on NOAA's draft plan for recreational fisheries efforts. These evening meetings will include a NOAA presentation on the draft plan and a forum for discussion on how the plan may be improved to be responsive to local needs. A list of the planned regional constituent sessions is included here. Comments on the recreational fisheries draft plan may be sent using the contact information below.


Recreational Fisheries Strategic Plan (cover)

NOAA Recreational Fisheries Strategic Plan PDF

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