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Juno Mission to Jupiter: Unlocking the Secrets of a Giant Planet
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Galileo on Galileo, Part II
What would Galileo think of the discoveries made by the spacecraft that carried his name to Jupiter? In honor of the 20th anniversary of the spacecraft's launch, Galileo science team members imagine a look back through the eyes of Galileo. Read More >>

Outer Planets
NASA and the European Space Agency have prioritized the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) for continued study as the next mission to the outer solar system. Planning will continue for the Titan Saturn System Mission for a possible later flight opportunity.
EJSM Backgrounder
EJSM Video
TSSM Backgrounder
TSSM Video

NEWS    (RSS Feed)

16 Oct 2009  The New Shape of Our Solar System
Spacecraft reaveal our solar system is shaped more like a bubble than a comet. Read More >>

14 Oct 2009  Mars Exploration Rovers Update
Read the latest from Spirit and Opportunity on Mars. Read More >>

16 Oct 2009  Launch Updates
WISE launch set for Dec. 7 in California; SDO is set for Feb. 3 in Florida. Read More >>

7 Oct 2009  Reduced Risk
Odds of a hazardous encounter between asteroid Apophis and Earth are now significantly reduced. Read More >>

6 Oct 2009  NASA Space Telescope Discovers Largest Ring Around Saturn
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous ring around Saturn. Read More >>


Missions: Redefining Space
IBEX finds a mysterious giant ribbon at the edge of our solar system. Read More >>

Missions: MESSENGER Results
The MESSENGER mission team is posting the latest images and news from their third Mercury flyby. Read More >>

News & Events: Galileo Anniversary
It's been 20 years since the Galileo spacecraft launched on its epic mission to Jupiter. Read More >>

News & Events: Count Some Stars
How good are your night skies? Head outside and count the stars you see for the Great Worldwide Star Count this month. Read More >>

Education: Sky Stories
The 2009 International Year of Astronomy is all about looking up. Share your stargazing stories. Read More >>


40th Anniversary, Kosmos 305: Launch  Read More >>

26 Oct 2009 (00:42 UT)
First Quarter Moon
Moon's illumination increasing. Read More >>

28 Oct 2009
35th Anniversary, Luna 23: Launch  Read More >>

4 Nov 2009
1st Anniversary, Chandrayaan-1: Lunar Orbit Insertion  Read More >>

5 Nov 2009
45th Anniversary, Mariner 3: Launch  Read More >>

6 Nov 2009
45th Anniversary, Mariner 3: End of Mars Mission  Read More >>

9 Nov 2009
35th Anniversary, Luna 23: End of Lunar Mission  Read More >>

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