Dear SIM Proposal PI's The selection related to the NASA Announcement of Opportunity AO-00-OSS-01 has been made. The following proposal have been partially selected through Phase A&B of the SIM project. Letters have been mailed to all PI's concerning the outcome of their particular proposal with instruction on how to obtain further information. The selected Key Project investigations, which are all partial selections, are: Marcy, Geoffrey W. University of California Berkeley "Discovery of Planetary Systems." Gould, Andrew P.; Ohio State University "Stellar, Remnant, Planetary, and Dark-Object Masses from Astrometric Microlensing" Shaya, Edward J.; Raytheon ITSS Corporation "Space Interferometry Mission: Dynamical Observations of Galaxies Key Project" Johnston, Kenneth J.; U.S. Naval Observatory "Astrophysics of Reference Frame Tie Objects" Chaboyer, Brian C.; Dartmouth College "Anchoring the Population II Distances and Ages of Globular Clusters" Henry, Todd J.; Georgia State University "A MASSIF effort to determine the Mass-Luminosity relation for Star of Various Ages, Metallicities and Evolutionary States" Majewski, Steven R.; University of Virginia "Taking the Measure of the Milky Way" Beichman, Charles A.; Jet Propulsion Laboratory "The Search for Young Planetary Systems and the Evolution of Young Stars" Shao, Michael; Jet Propulsion Laboratory "Extrasolar Planets Interferometric Survey" Wehrle, Ann E.; Jet Propulsion Laboratory "Binary Black Holes, Accretion Disks and Relativistic Jets: Photocenters of Nearby AGN and Quasars." The selected Mission Scientist investigations, which are also all partial selections, are: Education and Public Outreach Scientist: Worthey, Guy P., St Ambrose College "Open and Globular Cluster Distances for Extragalactic, Galactic and Stellar Astrophysics" Data Scientist: Quirrenbach, Andreas, University of California, San Diego "Masses and Luminosities of X-Ray binaries, and Support of Grid and Reference Stars." Instrument Scientist: Shaklan, Stuart; Jet Propulsion Laboratory "A New Approach to Micro-arcsecond Astrometry with SIM Allowing Early Mission Narrow Angle Measurements of Compelling Astronomical Targets" Interdisciplinary Scientist: Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; California Institute of Technology "Exceptional Stars: Origins, Companions, Masses and Planets" Synthesis Imaging Scientist: Allen, Ronald J.; Space Telescope Science Institute "Crowded Field Astrometry and Imaging with the Space Interferometry Mission" Philippe Crane NASA Headquarters, Code SR 300 E St. S.W. Washington D.C. 20546 Tel: 202 358-0377 email: November 15, 2000