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Langley Highlights

NASA Exploration Day at Busch Gardens

Astronaut Susan Kilrain

Explore the Earth, the moon and Mars with NASA researchers. See the universe through the eyes of the Hubble Space Telescope and chat with Galileo, the father of modern astronomy.

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Rewarding Not Faster or Higher, but Safer Flight

Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST).

NASA Langley's contribution to answering a challenge issued by then-Vice President Al Gore in 1997 was recognized Tuesday night, when the center's members of the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)...

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NASA Launches New Technology: An Inflatable Heat Shield

Inflatable Re-entry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE)

A successful NASA flight test Monday demonstrated how a spacecraft returning to Earth can use an inflatable heat shield to slow and protect itself as it enters the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds.

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United We Serve

United We Serve — Donna Speller Turner

Donna Speller Turner

When Donna Speller Turner was a teenager, scarcely a week went by when she wasn't standing in front of a group, telling them what the YWCA did for her.

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United We Serve — Debbie Murray

Debbie Murray

Debbie Murray spends most of her time helping others. When she isn't guiding Langley's summer students, she volunteers for the Red Cross.

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United We Serve — John Hefner

John Hefner

If it's Thursday, then John Hefner is at the Lackey Free Family Medicine Clinic in Yorktown.

"I'm the bouncer," he says, laughing from behind his desk in Building 1244.

In fact...

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United We Serve — Karen Steele

Karen Steele (white shirt) with the Suffolk Police escort team for the Suffolk Crime Line's fourth annual 'Bikers Against Crime.'

Karen Steele and her husband, Bill Pardue, prefer to be "doers" and not just "sayers." They have made themselves living examples for years by helping just about anywhere their help was needed.

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United We Serve — Walt Baskin

Walt Baskin

The spirit of volunteerism is a marriage of two periods in Walt Baskin's life. One provided material for the show, the other showed a sense of reward that comes from helping the children that see it.<...

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