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XSearch Support for Hubble Repair Mission

On September 30, 2008, XSearch v1.1 was released to Mission Control Center (MCC) flight controllers at Johnson Space Center (JSC) in anticipation of STS-125, the Hubble repair mission. This release adds a new database into the set that can be searched in a consolidated fashion using XSearch. Although the original version of XSearch supported search of Mission Control “flight note” action tracking records for joint Space Shuttle/International Space Station (ISS) missions, it did not support search of standalone Shuttle mission records. Flight note records for standalone Shuttle missions are stored in a separate database from those for joint missions with the ISS.

The STS-125 mission launch was originally scheduled for mid-October, but on September 29 was postponed to February 2009. The newly released version of XSearch will support the delayed mission and will also be useful to flight controllers searching historical records from previous standalone Shuttle missions. In addition, several new user interface features were introduced by this release in response to user requests, along with scalability and performance enhancements, and several bug fixes.

BACKGROUND: XSearch is a new system that provides search and linkage across multiple databases used by ISS and Shuttle flight controllers, integrating data from several separate flight operations databases. Through a common interface, Mission Control personnel using XSearch can issue a single search query and simultaneously interrogate multiple mission operations data sources. In addition to conducting searches, the system also contextualizes search results by detecting records that are cross-referenced by or textually similar to the search results.

NASA PROGRAM FUNDING: Intercenter Task Agreement funded by ESMD Constellation Mission Operations Project Office

Project Team: Rich Keller, Chris Knight, Dan Berrios, Mohana Gurram, Steve Lin (ARC); Tim Hall, Jason Toschlog, James Hart, Jenny Yang (JSC)

Contact: Rich Keller

November 2008

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