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Required Source Information

First come the required sources of supplies and services, then come Micro purchases and the Simplified Acquisition Procedures... Confused About Your Rights… Know The Law

The word is out. The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, which covers micro purchasing and the new simplified acquisition procedures, has been signed. Now some people are thinking, “Does that really mean I can use my government purchase card without considering UNICOR, NIB/NISH, stock programs, excess inventory, or Federal Supply Schedules anymore?” The answer is, No A House of Representative’s conference report covering the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994, states, “The conferees do not intend that the increased threshold alter the current priority among sources of supplies and services under Part 8 and 13 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.” So, remember...before you go to your local supplier you must first consider the listing in FAR 8.001,Priorities for use of Government supply sources, listed below.

(1) S U P P L I E S

  • Agency inventories
  • Excess from other agencies
  • Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR)
  • Procurement lists of supplies available from the committee for the purchase from  the committee for the purchase from people who are blind or severely disabled (NIB/NISH)
  • Wholesale supply sources, such as stock program of the General Services   Administration, the Defense Logistics Agency, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and military inventory control points
  • Mandatory Federal Supply Schedules
  • Optional use Federal Supply Schedules, and SF-71 Form
  • Commercial sources.

(2) S E R V I C E S

  • Procurement lists of services available from the committee for purchase from people, who are blind or severely disabled (NIB/NISH),
  • Mandatory Federal Supply Schedules and mandatory GSA term contracts for personal property rehabilitation,
  • Optional use Federal Supply Schedules and optional use GSA term contracts for personal property rehabilitation.
  • Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR) or commercial sources.
Provides Flexible Ordering

UNICOR can make your procurement process hassle free and provide the freedom that comes with purchasing options that work for you.

Like other government agencies, UNICOR is seeking new ways to forward-thinking. We have invested and expanded our e-commerce technology to support our On-Line Shopping Store. Today when a customer places an order on line, the order goes directly to one of our 108 factories, just like many private sector fortune 100 companies. The customer has a new edge of knowing when they place an order on-line.  It is immediately scheduled for manufacturing and production.

Why Specify UNICOR Products?

  • Eliminates 3-Quote Purchasing Requirements
  • Competitive Pricing with GSA
  • National Sales Coverage
  • Single Requisition for Products and Services
  • On-line order Status and Tracking
  • One Stop Shopping
  • One Invoice

Specifying UNICOR products is a very Smart Move. Recognize we are still your number one supply source when specifying new product.

All the more reason to select UNICOR as your First choice when every penny counts.

Convenient Payment Methods for Military & Civilian Agencies

  • DD 488-MIPR (Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request)
  • Standard Fedstrip/Milstrip Systems
  • MOA (Memorandum of Agreement)
  • MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
  • DD 1149 OR SF 1449-Purchase Order
  • DD 1155 Order for Supplies and Services
  • OF 347-Order for Supplies and Services and the SF-1 Form
  • Government Purchase Card

Note: For a complete listing go to http://www.unicor.gov/fpi_contracting/about_procurement/forms/index.cfm

Some of the above payment arrangements allow you to give UNICOR the money now, and make your specific selections later. For more information on these payment methods, contact our Customer Service Center at 1 800-827-3168, select the Accounts Receivable option.

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