Environmental Public Policy & Conflict Resolution Ph.D. Fellowship

The Udall Foundation awards two one-year fellowships of up to $24,000 to doctoral candidates whose research concerns U.S. environmental public policy and/or environmental conflict resolution and who are entering their final year of writing the dissertation. Dissertation Fellowships are intended to cover both academic and living expenses from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.


Melanie A. Stansbury, 2009 Fellow
Cornell University


Michael J. Kiparsky, 2009 Fellow
University of California-Berkeley

Dates to Watch

  • September
    Fellowship applications available on website
  • February 24, 2010
    Receipt deadline for complete application packet
  • April
    Selection Committee meets to review applications
  • May
    Notification of awards sent to all applicants
  • July 1, 2010
    Beginning of the fellowship year
  • June 30, 2011
    Completion of fellowship year
    (dissertation due to the Foundation)

Award Winners