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ASM Oak Ridge Chapter Educational Symposium

Neutrons for Materials Science and Engineering


April 18, 2007
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN



EdSym 2007 Flier available here in PDF format.
Click for EdSym 2007 Flyer PDF


Presentation PDF's and Photos

Group Photo of NST2 Attendees
Click for full Size Image

Rollover image for description. Click on image for full size photo.

Rapt attention is given to Ian Anderson’s presentation Speaker Despina Louca from the University of Virginia accepts the appreciation plaque from Cam Hubbard University of Tennessee’s Dayakar Penumadu is impressed with the presentations. ORNL’s Greg Smith accepts the appreciation plaque from Christina Hoffmann ORNL’s Dean Myles accepts the appreciation plaque from Christina Hoffmann
Lunchtime discussions continue with the speakers A few attendees picnic outside on the fifth floor overlook National Research Council of Canada’s John Root answers questions prior to accepting the appreciation plaque from Cam Hubbard ORNL’s Xun-Li Wang accepts the appreciation plaque from Cam Hubbard Argonne’s Jim Richardson accepts the appreciation plaque from Claudia Rawn
NIST’s Craig Brown accepts the appreciation plaque from Claudia Rawn Los Alamos’ Don Brown accepts the appreciation plaque from Claudia Rawn The poster session attracts many attendees The poster session attracts many attendees The poster session attracts many attendees


Who Should Attend

The ASM Educational Symposium is directed to the broad materials science and engineering community based in universities, industry and laboratories who wish to learn what the neutron sources in the US can provide for enhancing the understanding of materials behavior, processing and joining. Emphasis will be on the possible uses of the several world-class neutron sources in North America. Special information on the facilities at the upgraded High Flux Isotope Reactor and the recently commissioned Spallation Neutron Source will also be presented via tours.

For those interested in stress, texture and phase transformation for industry a companion workshop will be held the following day - visit the NST2 workshop website. This workshop will emphasize the Engineering Neutron Diffraction facilities for non destructive stress, phase and texture mapping, in situ load and furnace measurements, and grain level materials deformation behavior. The connection to modeling of residual stress generation and deformation processing will also be made.


Read a Synopsis for the EdSym2007 Symposium which is provided here in PDF format.


Registration is required to attend this Educational Symposium because of access control at Oak Ridge National laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy facility.  You will be asked for your name, affiliation, email address, citizenship, date and place of birth.  You cannot attend unless you register by April 9.  Please fill in the ASM Education Symposium registration form and remit the appropriate registration fee:  $100 for regular registration; $40 for students; and $65 for retired ASM members.

For registration questions, please contact Kaye Carter,

Scheduled Agenda

View a PDF of the Scheduled Agenda as of April 5, 2007.

Confirmed Speakers

Dr. Ian S. Anderson, Director of the Neutron Scattering Sciences Division, ORNL
Prof. Despina Louca, Physics Department, University of Virginia
Dr. Xun-Li Wang, Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Greg Smith, Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Donald Brown, Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. John Root, NRC - Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, Chalk River Laboratories
Dr. James Richardson, Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, Argonne National Laboratory
Dr. Dean Myles, Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Craig Brown, National Institutes for Standards and Technolgy

Satellite Workshops

The Neutron Scattering Sciences Division is sponsoring a focused workshop on Neutrons for Stress, Texture, and Phase Transformation for Industry on Thursday, April 19, 2007. Visit the NST2 workshop website for further information.

Lodging and Transportation

The conference hotel is the Comfort Inn of Oak Ridge.  A block of rooms has been reserved at the Government rate of $72 plus tax for registrants to the Symposium.  When making reservations please identify that you are attending the ASM/ORNL Educational Symposium.  The cut-off day for hotel reservation is March 17.

Contact Information:
Oak Ridge Comfort Inn
433 South Rutgers Avenue
Oak Ridge TN 37830
Phone: 865.481.8200

Buses will be provided for transportation to and from the hotel to the Spallation Neutron Source’s Central Laboratory and Office building at ORNL. Pickup at the hotel will be about 7:30 a.m. with arrival at ORNL about 8:00 a.m.

Transportation by private vehicles to the site is discouraged because of lack of parking and site access requirements but attendees may drive their own vehicles to ORNL if they are registered to attend the Symposium. Attendees driving their own vehicles must allow an extra 30 minutes for processing at the security portal.

Location Directions and Map

Directions to ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source:
Advance registration by April 9 is required. 

A bus from the conference hotel in Oak Ridge will be the best method to come to ORNL-SNS.  The bus will return to the conference hotel at the end of the tours of SNS and HFIR.  See the agenda for specific times.

Attendees may drive their own vehicles to ORNL, but must allow an extra 30 minutes for processing at the security portal. For those driving take Bethel Valley Road westbound to the security portal, stop and show identification for each member in the vehicle.  Upon approval, continue westbound on Bethel Valley Road for about 3 miles to the first traffic signal.  Turn right at the signal and the large stone “Spallation Neutron Source” sign.  Proceed up the road 1.8 miles to a large flat parking area at the top of the hill, park in front of the building that has three flag poles in front of it (Building 8600).  To the right of the flag poles is the main entrance.

Additional directions from specific locations can be found on ORNL's Driving Directions page. A McGhee Tyson Airport to Oak Ridge/ORNL/SNS route map is provided here in PDF format. Addtional maps can be found on ORNL's Getting to ORNL or Getting Around ORNL pages such as this visitor center campus map and SNS campus map also provided in PDF format.

Scholarships - CLOSED!

Scholarships applications are closed. Those receiving a scholarship award have been contacted by Ms. Roberta Campbell of the University of Tennessee. The scholarships were made available by the generous sponsorship of the UT-ANSWER program, an NSF International Materials Institute program.

  • Oak Ridge Chapter of ASM
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Neutron Sciences Directorate and the High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program
  • UT-ANSWER (NSF International Materials Institute program at Univ. of Tennessee)
  • UT/ORNL Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (JINS)
Organizing Committee and Local Contacts

Ian S. Anderson, ORNL,
Kaye Carter, ORNL,
Hahn Choo, UT,
Al Ekkebus, ORNL,
Lori Frye, ORNL,
Christina Hoffman, ORNL,
Camden Hubbard, ORNL,
Ed Kintzel, ORNL,
Lee Robertson, ORNL,
Xun-Li Wang, ORNL,
Geneva Worley, ORNL,

Relevant Documents, Reports, and Websites

Oak Ridge Chapter of ASM

Making it last: materials that last longer are a primary need of industry, in ORNL Review "Reclaiming America's Leadership - Spallation Neutron Source", vol. 39, no. 2, 2006,

How to Gain Access to Oak Ridge National Laboratory User Facilities

High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program

High Flux Isotope Reactor Center for Neutron Scattering

Spallation Neutron Source

Other Neutron Facilities sites_othern.html

Advanced Neutron Scattering Network for Education and Research

Important Dates

March 10: Final day for receipt of Scholarship requests
March 15: Scholarship requestors will be informed of their acceptance for this session.
March 17: Hotel registration closes
April 9: Registration closes


The month of April is gorgeous in East Tennessee. A beautiful spring is anticipated. The average high is 70F and the low is 47F, with a sunrise at 6:59 a.m., and sunset at 8:14 p.m. Use the website to check weather conditions for Oak Ridge, TN.


Oak Ridge, TN is on Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), four hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time. Several websites have detailed information on attractions in Oak Ridge, TN and the surrounding area, including:

Oak Ridge Convention & Visitors Bureau:

Knoxville Tourism & Sports Corporation:

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  Information Contact : Allen E. Ekkebus -  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science