Reference Materials

  • Engineering Countermeasures for Reducing Speeds: A Desktop Reference of Potential Effectiveness May 2009 NEWa desktop reference of infrastructure improvements that can be implemented to lower speeds and their effectiveness.

  • Analysis of Speeding-Related Crashes NEW
    Speeding is one of the most common contributing factors of traffic crashes. Data extracted from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) show that the driver-level attribute “driving too fast for conditions or in excess of posted speed limit” is the critical contributing factor in more than 99 percent of all speeding-related fatal crashes, as defined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). A marginal number of drivers were determined to be speeding through citations of speeding violations reported to FARS. To read the entire report, click on this link: Analysis of Speeding Related-Crashes: Definitions & the Effects of Road Environments (DOT-HS-811-090) (PDF).

  • A Study on The Use of Uniformed Police Officers on Federal-Aid Highway Construction Projects, October 2001
    This 2001 report to Congress documents the findings of studies and surveys regarding the extent and effectiveness of uniformed police officers on Federal-aid highway construction projects.

  • Management Approach to Highway Safety — A Compilation of Good Practices
    A guide for developing and implementing a management approach to highway safety.

  • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
    The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the national standard for signing on all highways. Sections 2B.13-16 address regulatory speed limits and Section 2C addresses advisory speed signs. School zone speed limit signs are discussed in Section 7B.11 and work zone speed limits in Section 6C.

  • A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition.
    This fifth edition of AASHTO's “Green Book” contains the latest design practices in universal use as the standard for highway geometric design and has been updated to reflect the latest research on superelevation and side friction factors as presented in NCHRP Report 439.

  • The Effect of Increased Speed Limits in the Post-NMSL Era, a Report to Congress, 1998. [PDF 407 KB]
    Section 347 of the NHS Act required the Secretary of Transportation to study the impact of states' actions to raise speed limits above 55/65 MPH and report to the Congress by September 30, 1997.

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Edward Sheldahl


What's New

Engineering Countermeasures for Reducing Speeds: A Desktop Reference of Potential Effectiveness

USLIMITS 2 : Expert system for recommending speed limits based on NCHRP Project 3-67

Analysis of Speeding-Related Crashes (PDF 594 KB)


Fatality Rate by Road Function Class Table (PDF 18 KB)

Traffic Safety Facts: Speeding - 2007 (PDF 272 KB)

USLIMITS Expert Speed Zoning Advisor (PDF 2.37 MB)