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Web Enabled Safety System (WESS)

(WESS) Aviation Hazard Users' Guide

Welcome to the Web Enabled Safety System (WESS) Aviation Hazard Users' Guide. We have developed these guides to help you as you test the WESS Aviation Hazard Reporting System.

If you need additional assistance, contact Code 11 at NRFK_SAFE_Code11@navy.mil

Download as PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppt) files

  • WESS Search Information -- How to use the JReport Function to Find a HAZREP in WESS (2.38Mb file)
  • Part 1 -- Overview of WESS Aviation (2.45Mb file)
  • Part 2 -- General information and aviation-specific guidance (2.54 Mb file)
  • Part 3 -- Human causal factors (2.2 Mb file)
  • Part 4 -- Material causal factors (2.2 Mb file)
  • Part 5 -- Chopping and releasing HAZREPs (2.9 Mb file)
  • Part 6 -- Creating and using HAZREP templates (1.5 Mb file)
  • Part 7 -- How to endorse a HAZREP (1.8 Mb file)
  • Part 8 -- Common questions about safety authorities and permissions (2.27 Mb file)
  • Feature Update Version 2.3.3
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POC: Webmaster | Department: WESS |
Last revision: 10/6/08 | Last review:   6/4/08 | Approved by: Code 50 Director
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