request.datasource_training Section 508: Department of Justice Agency Survey FAQ's</strong>

Department of Justice Agency Survey FAQ's

Also available: Users Guide

The FAQ's that follow resulted from incoming inquiries from Federal agency DAO's and their components participating in the Department of Justice 2003 Survey online.

Q1: In the DAO account menu, when do I use the "Finalize Survey" link?

A1: The Finalize Survey option was designed as a resource to assist the DAO's in managing their components. Since this option has no real functionality at the DAO level, we removed it from the DAO account menu.

Q2: In the DAO level menu, when do I use the "Finalize Agency" link?

A2: Use the Finalize Agency link to submit the final agency survey. Please check your "reports" link, to see which components of your agency who have submitted their portion of the report as final. When all component levels are finalized, you are ready to submit the final roll up report, using the "Finalize Agency" menu link.

Q3: In the component level menu, what does the "Finalize Agency" link do and when should I use it?

A3: The "Finalize Agency" option in the component account menu rolls up your completed survey to the DAO level. You should "Finalize Agency" when you have completed your portion of the survey.

Q4: How do I get my username and password to log into the survey?

A4: The Designated Agency Official (DAO) should email us at and request a username and password to enter the DOJ survey. Please include the following in your email:

When the DAO assigns component coordinators (CC) via their menu selection, the system will automatically assign the CC a username and password.

Q5: Why does the on-line survey website not allow DAO's to enter component personnel with ONLY the sections they are assigned to complete beside their names? Once users are added, the system lists the component responder and "sections 1, 2, 3, 4" beside each component user's name which is confusing. The component user then thinks he/she is responsible for completing all 4 sections of the survey instead of just, for example,sections 2 and 4. Should I just tell component users to opt out of all sections they have not been assigned?

A5: Unfortunately, the design of the survey does not allow DAO's to see assigned component areas. Thus, components should opt out of all sections they have not been assigned.

Q6: Is there a way for the DAO to see the screens the component personnel sees in order to help field some of their questions and to better understand where their questions arise from?

A6: The DAO has a "reports" link in the menu bar on the left when they log in. Here is where component data can be located. The reports area lists the component name, along with the numbers 1 2 3 4. When data has been entered, either saved or finalized, one or more of the numbers will be active (depending on what areas of the survey that the component is addressing). You can click on the active number to see what information has been entered by the component, as well as their associated questions. Remember, the component survey is the same survey used for the DAO's.

Q7: Are you aware that when DAO's click on "take survey" button the note on the "DoJ Bi-Annual Survey" page directs survey responders to "...answer the questions according to current procedures, policies, and practices of your organization in effect during May 2003. ..." which is not what the actual survey instructions direct. The survey file instructions direct users to respond to questions in accordance to policies that were in effect December 2003. Please explain which date you want us to go by: Dec. or May 2003?

A7: Please use the Dec 2003 date. We overlooked this during some reorganization of the survey, but we made the correction to Dec 2003 on 1/19/04.

Q8: We know the DAO can add a Component, but can the DAO add additional sub-components as well?

A8: We recently added the functionality for the Component Coordinator. Here's how it works. The DAO can designate any user as a Component Coordinator. That person then receives the ability to add users under their Component. For example, the DAO of Treasury (Jane Doe) sets up an account for John Smith at the IRS. The DAO then logs into her account, and designates John as a Component Coordinator. John at IRS now has the option to "Add Users" in his menu. From here, he can add additional Coordinators for the IRS. To simplify the process even more, the chain of command within the DAO and Components works like this:

-- DAO's create Component Users.

--The DAO then can make that Component User a "Component Coordinator". That component coordinator can assign sub-component users.

-- Upon creation of any account, an email is sent to the user with their log-in information.

-- DAO's can view submissions from anyone within their agency (all components). All other users can view submissions from within their component.

Q9: Can a completed survey be printed out?

A9: You can print a copy of the survey, but if, for example, a response is longer than what shows up in a text box without scrolling, only that part prints. Unfortunately, that's something we just discovered which we hope to have repaired shortly.

Q10: At the end of Section 4A, there is a note, stating "Please submit your responses for section A, then you be able to enter in information for section B". However, it seems that we still have direct access to Section 4B

A10: Some users have been tasked with answering just Section 4b, so we added direct access to that section. We also have the link at the end of section 4 (a) in order to keep the natural progression.

Q11: As the DAO, is there a way to modify the user information once the user is added? For example, I either mis-typed the user's email address or other contact information. How can I correct it after I add this user?

A11: Currently the only way to change user information is to send a request to us at We will make the change for you.

Q12: Many of my components have not received their login information. I entered them via the DAO menu as a component. What could be the problem.

A12: It is important that you verify any email addresses. The simpliest way to do this is to send out an email, and let the recepient respond. This way, you can pre-verify whether or not the email address you have is correct before you actually enter that email address for your component. Although we are notified of undeliverable mail, this results in us having to contact the DAO to obtain a correct email address. When we correct an email addresses in our system, the system automatically resends new account access information.

Q13: Is there a quick access to the FAQ's?

A13: Yes, we have added a link to the FAQ's in your user menu area.

Q14: How do I save my responses to the survey without submitting them as final and retrieve the data later to continue filling out the survey. Will I be able to retrieve and re-edit the responses?

A14: Components can save their responses without submitting them as final. The component should click the "submit" button to save their information to the database. There is also a "Finalize Survey" option in the menu. That option submits the entire survey for the final time. Use that option only when the survey is complete and you have entered all your data.