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MarineFisheries Review

Inside front cover

Special Section

Economic and Trade Strategies in World Fisheries
by Robert A. Siegel and Richard S. Johnston, Editors

Coastal State and Distant-Water Fishing Nation Relations: An Economist's Perspective
by Gordon R. Munro

Toward a Rational Seafood Trade Policy
by Douglas W. Lipton and Robert A. Siegel

A U.S. Perspective on Access to Fisheries Resources
by Larry L. Snead

Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Fisheries: Recent Developments
by Giulio Pontecorvo

U.S. Fisheries Management and Foreign Trade Linkages:
Policy Implications for Groundfish Fisheries in the North Pacific EEZ

by Joseph M. Terry and Lewis E. Queirolo

Research in Global Groundfish Markets: An Exercise in International Cooperation
by Lewis E. Queirolo and Richard S. Johnston

Other Articles

A Comparison of Two Stratification Schemes Used in Sampling Canadian Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua
by Douglas Clay

Increasing Creel Interview Efficiency Through Early Survey Termination
by Hal R. Osburn and Mike G. Weixelman

The Driftnet Fishery in the Fort Pierce-Port Salerno Area off Southeast Florida
by H. Charles Schaefer, Lyman E. Barger, and Herman E. Kumpf


NOAA/NMFS Developments

Foreign Fishery Developments


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