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Beyond an Apple a Day:

Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library

Health Information Seeking Behaviors

Pew Internet and American Life Report

BMJ - Googling for a Diagnosis

Rand Report Summary: Consumer Use of Information When Making Treatment Decisions

Librarians Providing Consumer Health

Healthy People Library Project

The Challenge of Providing Consumer Health Information Services in Public Libraries

Finding the Answers to Your Health Questions - UCONN Healthnet

Health Literacy

Health Literacy Chapter from NN/LM Consumer Health: An Online Manual

MedlinePlus Easy to Read

Reference Interview + Ethical Implications

InfoPeople - Reference Interview Skills

MLA Code of Ethics for Health Science Librarianship

NN/LM Health Infoquest

Can I trust this source?

MedlinePlus Evaluating Health Information

Can you believe this?

The “One Product Does It All” claim

Personal Testimonials

Quick Fixes/Cures

Planning the Service

The Leap Frog Group

Health Grades

CDC Faststats

Kaiser State Health Facts

Public Library Geographic Database

National Network of Libraries of Medicine

Collection Development

Healthnet Core Bibliography of Consumer Health Books

Toronto Public Library - Core Collection of Recommended Titles

Toronto Public Library - Health Navigator

Consumer Health Resources





National Library of Medicine

American Heart Association (

National Cancer Institute


Drug Digest

Family Doctor

Patient Inform

Health News Review


National Network of Libraries of Medicine

Hospital Compare (from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

NN/LM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

NN/LM Public Libraries and Community Partners Working Together to Provide Health Information


Marketing Treasures

MLA Promotional Tip Sheet

CAPHIS Library Directory


In Plain Language
(Requires Real Player)