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Focus: Medical Safety Personnel

These pages provide quick access to some of our newest resources and other information useful to safety personnel who work at medical commands. With 9,000 pages of content on the Naval Safety Center site and lots of new stuff all the time, it can be a challenge to keep up with the latest offerings. Here are some shortcuts.

New Media, Tools and Resources - Videos, presentations, and initiatives (such as seasonal campaigns). Aeromedical material and OSH-related material on this website. Also a new website overview. Sharing Best Practices - A chance to find and share successful local programs. Links - Some recommended web-based resources. How to Keep in Touch - Ways to find out about and get copies of the newest Safety Center products.

75% Mishap Reduction Information

75% Reduction Target logoThe new challenge for Navy and Marine Corps commands is to reduce mishaps by 75% by the end of FY08 (again based on FY02 data). We will publish more guidance as it develops.

An Oversight of the Defense Safety Oversight Council's (DSOC) Occupational Health Initiatives NSC Congress Presentation - US Navy SOH Programs - Reducing Mishaps by 75% 2007 Objectives for DoN (ALNAV 072/06) SECDEF

Family Safety

Family Safety Home

Additional Resources

Ergonomics Guide for Welders   Guidance for Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Recovering from a Hurricane Disaster   Severe Weather Awareness (Emergency Preparedness Guide prepared by the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness   National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart