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NFIRS 5.4.1 NMCI Approval

Note: This notice is for all NFIRS Client Tool Users with NMCI Seats and DOES NOT apply to Fire Departments using NFIRS Vendor Software.

NMCI has approved NFIRS 5.4.1 for use on Navy and Marine Corps NMCI Seats. The Marine Corps received certification on 11 September 2007.

1. The Naval Safety Center has been notified that NFIRS 5.4.1 is now classified in a "Certified Ready To Deploy" status.

2. The CDA Request for Service (RFS) number is 97799-CDA and is inheritable by other commands.

3. Fire Departments who have not obtained the NFIRS 5.4.1 program are instructed to have their NMCI CTR enter the ISF Tools web application and add their command to the inheritable RFS# 97799-CDA.

4. Commands who already have a Command Level RFS for NFIRS 5.4.1 must enter their rationalized list and cancel their Command Level RFS in order to inherit the CDA Level RFS.

5. Once the command has inherited the CDA level RFS, they can submit a NMCI Service Request (MAC) using CDA RFS 97799 and the Instance Name L_NFIRS_541_WIN to have NFIRS 5.4.1 loaded on an NMCI seat.

6. Fire Chiefs are instructed to contact their command or activity NMCI CTR who has access to their ISF Tool Account for assistance in obtaining NFIRS 5.4.1 for operation on their NMCI seats.

7. The command NMCI CTR can be identified by calling the NMCI helpdesk (1-866-843-6624) and asking the NMCI technician or by using the search function off the NMCI Homepage by selecting the CTR Resources (Support and Training Section) and then selecting CTR Contact List (Left Side).

8. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact (757) 444-3520, x7169 or (757) 444-3520, x 7151, (DSN 564).

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